StoneBridge Community Church

To the Ends of the Earth: "But to God!" - Acts 4:32 - 5:11
Senior Pastor Jon Saur
Locations & Times
StoneBridge Community Church
4832 Cochran St, Simi Valley, CA 93063, USA
Saturday 5:15 PM
Sunday 5:20 PM
Online Connection Card
Worship With Generosity
The Text in Context
1. The Bible is different.
2. What's the big deal?
3. The church
4. Lying to God
5. Honesty within the church.
1. Spend some time in reflection. In what ways have you not been honest with others? With yourself?
2. Confess these to God, knowing that God is quick to forgive.
3. Choose one way in which you haven't been honest with others and repent. If appropriate, confess to someone else.
1. What was the specific sin committed by Ananias and Sapphira and why was it considered so serious in the early church?
2. How does their story illustrate the importance of honesty and integrity in Christian community today?
3. Ananias' and Sapphira's swift judgement seems severe. How does this story challenge our understanding of God's justice and mercy?
4. Acts 5:5 and 5:11 mention fear gripping the whole church and those who heard about these events. What role does fear play in the life of a believer, according to this passage? How should reverence for God's holiness and truth affect our conduct within the church community and in our daily lives?
5. How does this story inform our understanding of stewardship and generosity in the Christian faith? What principles should guide our attitudes towards material possessions and giving?
6. How can we place "honesty" more front and center as a value?

Join us on Saturday, July 13th for Kickball Cookout. Come to service at 5:30pm and afterwards enjoy a friendly game of kickball and a (free) BBQ dinner! Rather not play? That's ok too! You're welcome to stay for dinner and cheer on the participants! RSVP below.
Kickball Cookout RSVP
Join StoneBridge Local Missions in supporting James Storehouse with their annual School Supply Drive! There are three ways to participate: 1) Prepare a backpack and/or buy clothing or personal care items and return to StoneBridge by July 25th. See bulletin insert. 2) Help organize and fill back packs at StoneBridge on Sunday, July 28th; 12pm-4pm. Contact Steve Tapp to sign-up. 3) Help distribute backpacks at James Storehouse on August 3rd; 7:30am-12pm or 12pm-3pm. Background check and t-shirt required, for more info visit Questions? Contact Steve Tapp at 805-587-6880.