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Grace Church

Game Time #3-LEARNING about Him and His will for your life.

Game Time #3-LEARNING about Him and His will for your life.

At Grace Church The Game presents an understandable picture of who Jesus is and how our relationship with Him should impact our lives and influence others.

Locations & Times

Grace Community Church

8950 M-79, Nashville, MI 49073, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

This month our series is entitled: Game Time
Following the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, the Lord gave a great "locker room talk" just before ascending back to Heaven.
He commanded His followers then, now, and forever to make disciples. This has become known as the Great Commission.
Here at Grace Church we use a Baseball Diamond to illustrate the process of making disciples. The bases and basepaths help us to identify, evaluate, and measure our progress. We use four core character qualities that summarize the life of Jesus and the early church.
These qualities are the foundation on which all of one's Christian faith should be established.
1. Loving - God and people wholeheartedly
2. Learning - About Him and His will for your life
3. Living - Purposefully and passionately according to a Kingdom agenda
4. Leading - Others to do likewise
Last week we saw the first leg of our diamond...Dugout to First.
This illustrates the process whereby a person who is lost and separated from God can come to be reconciled to the one who will one day be his judge.
Summary of the 5 stage journey leading to the quality of LOVING:
1. Revelation of God's love and man's need.
2. Relationship with a follower of Christ.
3. Realization of God's holiness and our helplessness.
4. Repentance from a selfish and sinful lifestyle.
5. Reception of Jesus as our Lord and Savior.
John 1:12 [NLT]
Once a person becomes a follower of Christ and part of God's family the Bible states that GROWTH is the expectation for our spiritual lives.
2 Peter 3:18a [NIV]
Here at Grace Church, this is seen in the quality of LEARNING. A maturing person will be evidenced by a growing hunger to learn more about the Lord and to serve Him.
We've developed a booklet called the Game Guide to assess a person's spiritual GROWTH in the four foundational character qualities, and our desire is to teach you how to use this tool.
Today, Pastor Josh and Pastor Don will be giving us an idea of what real spiritual growth will look like by using the letters from the word GROWTH.

G - GOD-CENTERED reaction to the world around us.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 [ESV]
Take a minute right now and show God that you are grateful for your salvation. Thank Him for loving you and saving you. Ask God to remind you that He is enough. There are no circumstances or troubles that are too big for Him.
R - RENEWAL of your life and priorities.
Romans 12:1-2 [ESV]
This week, instead of waking up and getting started with your day, pause.
Sit on the edge of the bed and ask God...
- Renew my THOUGHTS (Let me have thoughts that are humble and selfless)
- Renew my WORDS (Let me speak words of love and care)
- Renew my ACTIONS (Work through me, to show your love)
O - OBEDIENCE to the spiritual truths you've already heard.
James 1:22 [ESV]
Last week we challenged you to take a "Knowing God Personally" booklet, to read through it and to share the truths in it with someone else. Did you?
If not, I will challenge you again to not simply hear this truth but to do this truth.
W - WORD-DRIVEN attitudes and actions.
Psalm 119:9-11 [ESV]
You have a challenge to memorize this passage this week.
T - TELLING the story.
Mark 5:19-20 [NIV]
This story tells of a man who encountered Jesus that was lost, demonized, and in need of forgiveness and a new life from God. We learn how Jesus delivered, restored, and commissioned the man to represent Him to others.
H - HELPING in our church and community.
1 Peter 4:10 [NIV]
A maturing Christian will begin to look for a place to minister in the two areas that God has placed them...Church and Community.
Today we covered the second quality we hope to develop in a person's life here at Grace Church. That is summed up in the word LEARNING.
Jesus was born as a man and thus had to humanly learn about God and how to live a life that honored Him and helped others.
Luke 2:52
The life of a maturing Christian will show measurable GROWTH and today you've received 6 practical areas whereby you can assess your life. If you want help in your faith and have a desire to mature, make an appointment with one of the staff this week.

Grace Church Website

Breeze Church Management

At Grace we use a secure directory/giving service called Breeze Church Management.  Creating your personal account allows you to contact others in the church family, keep your contact information updated, and keep track of your giving if that is important to you, and/or create an online giving account. Use the link below to get started or to login if you already have an account.

CJ's Coffee Shop Pre-Order Link

The Greenhouse Project

2024 Bible Reading - Grace Journals

If you haven't already, you can pick up your 2024 Grace Journal in CJ's coffee shop. You can find an at-a-glance list of the reading each week at the link below. We are excited for you to grow in your faith as we read and study through the writings of Paul together!

Meet and Greet

Grace Church holds a Meet & Greet for those who are newer to Grace Church on the 4th Sunday of each month. Our next Meet & Greet is June 23rd following the service in CJ's coffee shop. It is a great opportunity to meet the staff and leadership of Grace Church and learn a little more about the church. It also gives us an opportunity to learn a little about you! Contact Leslie Booher if you have any questions (

Wednesdays at Grace

To check out all of the Wednesdays @ Grace activities, visit the "Events" link at the website. We hope you'll join in on the fun!

Meet the Edwards Night

Mark and Karen Edwards, our missionaries in Costa Rica, will be visiting Grace Church later this month. They will be with us during the morning service on June 23rd and then everyone is invited to come out to the church that evening as well. Social time begins at 6:00 pm and programming from 6:30-8:00 pm. Join us for a fun time to meet them and find out a little bit about what they are doing in Costa Rica. Bring a finger food snack or dessert to share.


This summer there will be two chances to take part in a water baptism. Baptism will take place on July 14th and August 11th at the home of Ryan & Tracy Hickey following the service (approx. Noon). Learn more and fill out an application if interested at the link below. Contact Pastor Don ( if you have questions.

Birthdays and Anniversaries We're Celebrating This Week!

Saturday, June 15th - Alex & Jasmine Bosworth
Monday, June 17th - Don Wiser, Sandi Sebastian
Tuesday, June 18th - Brian Krauss, Deb Abbott, Steve & Lisa Sterkenburg
Thursday, June 20th - Kim Stewart, Amanda Shook, John & Melissa Mater
Friday, June 21st - Juniper Hoxie, David & Shannah Shaver, Josh & Amie Sensiba, Pastor Josh & Caroline Burt