Red Hills Church
Corinthians: This is The Way - 6/16/24 - 97132
Pastor Lane Greenleaf-Perez continues our series on Corinthians: This is the way, speaking about Wisdom and Foolishness. During the early years of the Church, people who followed Jesus found themselves participating in a community that welcomed and transcended all areas of identity, ethnicity, social location, gender, and culture. These Jesus-followers had entered into the gift of a New Humanity, bound together in unity through The Holy Spirit. These Jesus followers would come to be known as “People of The Way”, communities of people from all social locations and cultures who were set apart by the way they loved God, their neighbors, and even their enemies.
Locations & Times
Online Gatherings -
Newberg, OR 97132, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
You can take personal message notes here.
Upcoming Events
Women's Summer Celebration
Let's kick off the summer with a soda creation station, charcuterie spread, speed friending (always a favorite), and sharing our favorite scriptures. This event is for all women so invite your friends, roommates, neighbors, and coworkers!
Childcare will be provided at the church for ages 0 to 5th grade. If you need childcare, please submit that information through the registration. If you have any questions, please email Kate Swanson at
Baby Bottle Drive (ends Father's Day!)
Coffee in the Courtyard
This time is open to everyone in our community: • Working from home and want to bring your laptop? We'll have our WIFI available! • Want to meet up with a friend? Grab a couple of coffees and meet at a table under our white tent! • Have a little one? Our playground will be open with chairs and shade for you to connect with other families!