StoneBridge Community Church

To the Ends of the Earth: "Filled With the Holy Spirit" - Acts 2:1-13
Senior Pastor Jon Saur
Locations & Times
StoneBridge Community Church
4832 Cochran St, Simi Valley, CA 93063, USA
Saturday 5:15 PM
Sunday 5:20 PM
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"Acts 2:1-13 describes something entirely new and amazing. And yet what we read should not come as a complete surprise. We might compare the Pentecost event to having a birthday. You know that your birthday is coming, and that someone who loves you has a present for you. You are not sure exactly what the present is (although you’ve been told you will really like it), and you don’t know exactly when you will receive it. You know it is something good, and that it is coming soon.As we approach Luke’s description of the Pentecost event, we should do so fully aware that those who experienced it had been prepared for its arrival, even though they did not know exactly what it would be like..." Click link to read more. Outline:
1. The Holy Spirit
2. How the Holy Spirit Works
3. What We See at Pentecost
4. How the Holy Spirit Works in our Lives
1. The Holy Spirit
2. How the Holy Spirit Works
3. What We See at Pentecost
4. How the Holy Spirit Works in our Lives
Next Steps
1. Read Acts 2:1-13 each day this week.
2. After reading it, pray that God would open your eyes to the work of the Holy Spirit.
1. Read Acts 2:1-13 each day this week.
2. After reading it, pray that God would open your eyes to the work of the Holy Spirit.
1. What does the day of Pentecost teach us about the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of believers?
2. When the Holy Spirit came, people from various nations heard the message in their own languages. How does this event illustrate the unity and diversity within the body of Christ? How can we apply this understanding to the church today?
3. Powerful wind, tongues of fire, and speaking in different languages were miraculous signs at Pentecost. Have you ever experienced or witnessed miraculous signs that strengthened your faith? If so, what were they?
4. The crowd was bewildered to hear the disciples speaking in their own languages. Does this event emphasize the importance of clear and relevant communication of the Gospel? If so, in what ways can the church share the hope of Jesus in understandable and relevant ways?
5. The crowd's reaction ranged from amazement and perplexity to mockery and disbelief. What does this tell us about people's responses to the Holy Spirit? How should we respond to other people's reactions?
1. What does the day of Pentecost teach us about the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of believers?
2. When the Holy Spirit came, people from various nations heard the message in their own languages. How does this event illustrate the unity and diversity within the body of Christ? How can we apply this understanding to the church today?
3. Powerful wind, tongues of fire, and speaking in different languages were miraculous signs at Pentecost. Have you ever experienced or witnessed miraculous signs that strengthened your faith? If so, what were they?
4. The crowd was bewildered to hear the disciples speaking in their own languages. Does this event emphasize the importance of clear and relevant communication of the Gospel? If so, in what ways can the church share the hope of Jesus in understandable and relevant ways?
5. The crowd's reaction ranged from amazement and perplexity to mockery and disbelief. What does this tell us about people's responses to the Holy Spirit? How should we respond to other people's reactions?

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