Living Grace Foursquare Church

The Great Tribulation: The Final 7 Years
Series: Understanding the Times Sermon: The Great Tribulation: The last 7 years Daniel chapter 9 contains one of the most remarkable prophecies in the Bible. In it, God downloads to Daniel the things to come before the greatest day in history; the return of Christ! First is The Tribulation. That future 7-year period when the world is shaken to its core. Knowing these things in advance gives us hope, sharpens our faith and encourages us to warn others. Daniel 9:27 And he shall make a strong covenant with many for one week,[g] and for half of the week he shall put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall come one who makes desolate, until the decreed end is poured out on the desolator.” ESV
Locations & Times
Living Grace Foursquare Church
3646 N Rancho Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89130, USA
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
God has temporarily turned aside from Israel to allow “Gentiles and whosoever will”, to become heirs to the Abrahamic Covenant.
But He is not finished with Israel!
(1) Matter is the final reality--materialism
a. There is no God nor a human soul that survives the death of the body
(2) Economic forces propel history ever onward and upward
(3) Private property is the source of all evil
When State rights take the place of God-given rights, we can easily move from abortion to infanticide to euthanasia
1. Probably be a religious leader who will head a one-world church described as a harlot in Revelation. (Last Days Daze, April 28th on our website or App)
2. He will oversee a combination of beliefs drawn from all religions
a. Hatred for Christianity
i. 1 part Islam
ii. 2 parts Oprah and transcendental meditation
iii. Add in some love for mother-earth and climate-change
iv. Add in atheism, pluralism
v. Appealing to everyone: Diversity/Equity/Inclusion
“It is more logical to believe all religions are false, than they are all true”
a. The stage has been set
2. The sacrifices in the Temple now come to an end
3. Anti-Christ will decide he no longer needs the false church and will destroy it, directing all worship toward himself