New Life Church

Sunday Service - Compassion Sunday - Bob Lucido
Compassion Sunday
Locations & Times
New Life Church
Sunday 10:00 AM
Upcoming and Weekly Events
Sunday Service @ 10 AM. Nursery for children up to age 4 on weeks 2,3 & 4; KidZone for ages 5-11.
Girl’s Ministry for grades K-6 on Wednesday @ 5:30 Pm.
Finish Line Youth for ages 12-12th grade Wednesdays @ 7 PM!
June 8th - Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend our fellowship gathering from 4:30-6 pm at the church, where Pastor James and Billie will answer questions submitted in advance, as an effort to help inform voting members' vote on June 9th. Please submit your questions on the index cards in the lobby and place them in the drop box by Sunday, June 2. Only questions submitted by June 2 will be read at the event on June 8.
June 9th - Special Business Meeting for voting members following the 10 am service. We need 1/3 of the 41 voting members present to have a quorum, but we strongly encourage all members to attend. If 2/3 or more of the votes cast are in favor of Pastor James Louis, he will be appointed Lead Pastor of New Life Church. If you are a voting member and cannot attend this meeting, please complete an absentee ballot by Sunday, June 2. Ballots were emailed to members and are available in the lobby.
Girl’s Ministry for grades K-6 on Wednesday @ 5:30 Pm.
Finish Line Youth for ages 12-12th grade Wednesdays @ 7 PM!
June 8th - Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend our fellowship gathering from 4:30-6 pm at the church, where Pastor James and Billie will answer questions submitted in advance, as an effort to help inform voting members' vote on June 9th. Please submit your questions on the index cards in the lobby and place them in the drop box by Sunday, June 2. Only questions submitted by June 2 will be read at the event on June 8.
June 9th - Special Business Meeting for voting members following the 10 am service. We need 1/3 of the 41 voting members present to have a quorum, but we strongly encourage all members to attend. If 2/3 or more of the votes cast are in favor of Pastor James Louis, he will be appointed Lead Pastor of New Life Church. If you are a voting member and cannot attend this meeting, please complete an absentee ballot by Sunday, June 2. Ballots were emailed to members and are available in the lobby.