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GracePoint Church

June 2, 2024 Sermon Notes

June 2, 2024 Sermon Notes

Welcome to GracePoint Sunday Morning! Our church’s purpose is to connect real people to the real God, and we believe studying the Bible is one of the best ways to do that. We are currently studying through Luke’s Gospel. In this next sermon, we examine one of the hardest commands Jesus gave – the command to love our enemies. We consider who qualifies as an enemy, how Jesus wants us to treat such people, and what will happen when we do. May the Lord bless you as you listen to His Word!

Locations & Times

GracePoint Church

1 E 22nd St, Atlantic, IA 50022, United States

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sermon Outline & Notes

Main Idea: Jesus calls us to a Higher Standard of Love.

1. WHO we are supposed to love = Our Enemies

2. HOW we are supposed to love them = By Our Actions

> Sacrificially

> Practically

3. WHAT will happen when we do = We Will Benefit

> We will receive a Heavenly Reward

> We will make our Heavenly Father Proud

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