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Emmaus Baptist Church

6.2.24 | The God who Restores | Amos 9:11-15

6.2.24 | The God who Restores | Amos 9:11-15

Sermon & notes for Emmaus Baptist Church

Locations & Times

Emmaus Baptist Church

16001 S Western Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73170, USA

Sunday 10:45 AM

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Emmaus Baptist Church   Sunday School at 9:15am Worship Gathering at 10:45am

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-The God who Rights
-The God who Restores

*The Minor Prophets show us both God's Holy Judgment and Hopeful Salvation. We must hold onto both.
-The Lord Your God (Creator, Judge, Savior)

-My People Israel / House of David (Promise of the Messiah -- Jesus)

-Remnant of Edom / All the Nations who are called by My Name
*God will Restore His People & Creation

-Peaceful - with God and others

-Prosperous - overflowing; never-ending (*not worldly, selfish prosperity, but a recognition of God's overflowing blessings and Spirit)

-Purposeful - Live, Work, Enjoy (Genesis 1-2; Genesis 12)

-Planted - secure; roots; fruitful (Psalm 1)

*Already – Jesus as Messiah / Savior
-“In that day…”
-“Behold, the days are coming…”
-The Kingdom of God

*Not Yet – Jesus’ Return
-We currently experience the ‘first fruits’ of God’s eternal restoration.

-Cities and Land

-New Creation
*Fulfillment of God’s Promises / Plans

-Blessed to be a Blessing to others (Gen. 12:1-3)

-Possess the nations (verse 12) == **Acts 15!
*God’s Grace in Jesus Christ
-“I will…” (verse 11, 14)
-“The Lord who does this…” (verse 15)

*Our Response to God’s Goodness
-Faith in Jesus as Lord and Messiah
-Rebuild/Inhabit; Plant/Drink; Make/Eat
*Have you responded to God’s grace through faith in Jesus?

*How is God restoring your life today?