Momentum Church

Contrast, Part 6 | Pastor Ross Wiseman
Locations & Times
Momentum Church
659 Arnold Mill Rd, Woodstock, GA 30188, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:45 AM
Righteousness: Things are wrong and they need to be made right.
Justice: Things are unjust and they need to be made just.
Justice: Things are unjust and they need to be made just.
We tend to judge the world and excuse ourselves.
We are prone to see everyone else’s faults and failures, but we overlook our own.
Often we think others are the problem we are the solution.
- This leads to Comparison & Pride
- Comparison & Pride lead to Hypocrisy.
Often we think others are the problem we are the solution.
- This leads to Comparison & Pride
- Comparison & Pride lead to Hypocrisy.
Culture of Criticism vs A Culture of Grace
God's kindness is meant to lead you to repentance.
Don’t you love it that God is patient/kind/loving....We need to be patient/kind/loving.
Don’t you love it that God is patient/kind/loving....We need to be patient/kind/loving.
God shows no partiality:
-We often show partiality in our judgement
-We like to judge, we don’t like to be judged.
Justice & righteousness is taken care of in one of two ways:
1. Jesus death for you on the Cross
2. Jesus ruling over you in Hell.
-We often show partiality in our judgement
-We like to judge, we don’t like to be judged.
Justice & righteousness is taken care of in one of two ways:
1. Jesus death for you on the Cross
2. Jesus ruling over you in Hell.
We live in a world though that wants justice & righteousness apart from the God whom righteousness and justice flows.
We live in a world where people want to build a utopian society (Heaven on earth, but a Heaven that lines up with their prerogatives)
Everything God Creates Satan Counterfeits (New Religion)
People become little gods who judge and pour out wrath.
People position themselves in the God seat, not the sinner seat. They judge, but have little use being judged.
We live in a world where people want to build a utopian society (Heaven on earth, but a Heaven that lines up with their prerogatives)
Everything God Creates Satan Counterfeits (New Religion)
People become little gods who judge and pour out wrath.
People position themselves in the God seat, not the sinner seat. They judge, but have little use being judged.
At the core of this scripture isn’t a challenge to NOT judge others , it’s a challenge TO judge oneself.
Justice & Righteousness
Justice & Righteousness
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