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Pennsville Baptist Church

Sunday Morning Service

Sunday Morning Service

Sunday Morning Service

Locations & Times

Pennsville Baptist Church

3298 Richey Rd, Mt Pleasant, PA 15666, USA

Sunday 9:45 AM

Genesis 41:39-57
“When God Chooses To Honor Us”

1. When God chooses to bless those who are not seeking it for themselves, He often does it in a
big way.
2. Joseph has lived totally for God’s honor and for God’s glory. He is a type of our Joseph,
Jesus Christ. He is a reminder of the Jesus that lives in each one of us.
3.. What happens when God chooses to honor a man?
4. Genesis 41:39-57 Let’s say you live for God’s glory: “I can’t…He can.” “I didn’t…He did.”
One day God will choose to honor that man or woman.

What happens when God chooses to honor a man or woman? Jesus In You:
A. Our Person (Joseph)
1. He brings Joseph into his presence. He places the ring on Joseph’s hand. The signet
ring was worn only by royalty. The impression was the same as the king’s signature.
It was the VISA or Mastercard of the king.
2. He places on him the robe of white linen. It was worn only by those in authority. He
places a gold chain on his neck. It was worn only by a privileged few. He places him
in a chariot just behind his own, and causes all to bow at His presence.
3. He makes him to rule over all the kingdom.
B. Our Pattern (Jesus)
1. Our Joseph (Jesus) was given the Father’s ring. “If you have seen Me you have seen
the Father.” He healed, raised the dead, calmed the sea, walked on water, made the
blind to see.
2. Has He not been clothed in the white linen of righteousness? Does He not wear the
jewels of authority in this life and the life to come? Has He not prepared for that day
when the chariot of His glory will descend and every knee will bow and every
tongue confess? Does He not have the right to the kingdom in each of us…one day He
will reign?!
C. Our Privilege
The Jesus in us: He took us out of prison and set us free!
1. Given us His ring...
2. Made Us Joint Heirs
3. Clothed Us With His Righteousness
4. Given Us His Authority…As the Father has sent Me so send I you.
5. Follow In His Triumphal Procession
(II Cor. 2:14-16 quote) Illus. of a Roman Processional

What happens when God chooses to honor a man or woman? Jesus In You:
A. A New Name
1.Joseph receives a new name fit for his Egyptian kingdom.
2.Zaphnath-Paaneah (the revealer of secrets). He is given a new bride: Asenath…
This was before the Law.
B. A New Norm
1.Our Joseph (Jesus) Has He not been given a Gentile bride…the church of Jesus Christ which is in the process of being formed still today.
2.When the Holy Spirit is come upon you, you will be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the uttermost part of the world. (Acts 1:8)
C. A New Nature
1.Jesus is in us. We became His bride. I Terry take you Beth to be my wedded wife to have and to hold from this day forward.
2.It is a covenant relationship. We swear our allegiance to one another. “I do” We live for Him. He changes us. We are given a new name (His character becomes ours). “Lord, reveal Yourself through us.”

What happens when God chooses to honor a man or woman? Jesus In You:
A. A New Assignment
1.He Goes Out Joseph was 30 years old when he stood before Pharoah. It has been 13 years since he left his family. He was full of the enthusiasm of youth. In those 13 years Joseph died to Joseph. He is now alive to God. He goes out.
2.He Gathers…in those 7 good years.
B. A New Aim
1.He Goes Out Our Joseph (Jesus) began His earthly ministry after 30 years. He went from a carpenter to a worker of miracles and a message that changed lives.
2.He Gathers He moved into a very morally depraved and spiritually hungry world.
C. A New Adventure
1.The Jesus in us is a new man filled with enthusiasm. As I die to me, I am alive to God.
2.We are salt and light. We are a light sent of a hill.

What happens when God chooses to honor a man or woman? Jesus In You:
A. God’ Grace
1.Joseph had two sons. His wife most likely has been influenced by Joseph and His God.
2.The sons have Hebrew names Manessah (‘forgetting) to take the sting out of memory. Ephraim (‘fruitful’) In the land of affliction he saw only the fruit God brought about in his life.
3.Talk about God’s grace. Joseph in Egypt marries an Egyptian. He has two sons.
These will be adopted by Jacob and become part of the tribes of Israel!
B. God’s Goodness
1.Our Joseph (Jesus) has not the Gentile bride borne many children as the Good News goes forth?
2.Are you a part of God’s family? Isn’t God good?
C. God’s Greatness
1.With Jesus in us, ‘Healthy sheep have lambs.’
2.The blessings are so many we forget the trial and we become fruitful as we abide in the vine.
3.(Rom. 8:28, 29) As we are conformed more and more to the image of Jesus, we will be so thrilled with what God has accomplished in our lives. We will tend to forget the test, sufferings and trials used in the process to make us look more like Jesus.
4.That you might be filled with the fullness of God (19) Now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all we ask or think according to the power that works in us. (Eph. 2:19,20 quote)

What happens when God chooses to honor a man or woman? Jesus In You:
V. HIS PATTERN 41:53-57
A. A Hungry World
Joseph took God at His word and worked accordingly. What God says is true. Bank on
1. Our Proclamation 55 Go to Joseph
2. Our Prospect 57 Famine was severe in all the earth. Joseph is the only hope!
B. A Hurting World
1. Our Joseph (Jesus) has provided all that a hurting world needs. Jesus came to a
world that hurt.
2. We see Jesus on the cross. He is the answer. They must come to Him!
C. A Helpless World
The Jesus in us sees as He sees. We must respond as He would.
1.Our Proclamation 55 Go to Joseph. God’s answer to a hungry, hurting, helpless world: Go To Jesus! To every famished soul: “Go to Jesus.” Whatever He says to you, do. Admit your hunger. Forsake the drought-ridden fields of earth for the heavenly storehouse. Admit you have nothing and He has everything.
2.Our Prospect 57 The famine was severe in all the lands. The famine is world-wide in scope. We cannot measure how severe famine for God is in all the world. If for one minute we could hear all the sighs, groans, cries of prisoners, downtrodden, hungry victims of sin…the swelling tragedy would deafen us! Every person we meet is either on their way to heaven or hell. “If the Gospel be hidden it is hidden to those who are lost! WE HAVE THE BREAD OF LIFE!

The Jesus in us died for a hungry, lost world.
May we give out the Bread of Life!

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