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Pennsville Baptist Church

Sunday Morning Service

Sunday Morning Service

Sunday Morning Service

Locations & Times

Pennsville Baptist Church

3298 Richey Rd, Mt Pleasant, PA 15666, USA

Sunday 9:45 AM

Genesis 41:1-46
In The Fire

1. In Genesis 40 we saw that Joseph interpreted the cupbearer’s dream. In three days, he would be
restored to his former job. In return Joseph asked that he remember to put in a good word for
him to Pharoah. Joseph’s new friend forgot about him for the next two years.
2. Illustration of an alchemist…one who refines gold. It was not pure enough until he saw a
reflection of himself.
3. It is necessary for God to use the hammer, the file, and the furnace in His holy work of
preparing a saint for true sainthood. It is doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until
He has hurt him deeply. A.W. Tozer
3. Joseph had been hurt deeply. God allowed him to be put through the refining fires of misunderstanding,
slavery, false accusations, imprisonment, abandonment and more.
4. Do you find yourself in the fire? Genesis 41:1–46

Do you find yourself in the fire?
A. God Rules Our Fate 40 and 41:1a
And it came to pass…things don’t just happen!
1. Abandoned By A Friend If an enemy abandons you…who cares? But if a friend
abandons you that cuts deeply! Disillusioned…it happens when you put someone
on a pedestal, and that person takes the place of God. Expectation…………
Performance the distance in the middle is Disappointment.
2. Abandoned For A Time Two years…his ‘friend’ forgot all about him. Why?
Because God wasn’t through with the gold making process. Joseph wasn’t quite
ready to handle the promotion God had in mind.
It takes time for God to do something extra special. What happened during those
two years? NOTHING…at least on the outside. Joseph lived out a monotonous,
unexciting existence. All that time he was just waiting while it seemed like nothing
was happening. Waiting is a difficult assignment…to us it’s stagnation. To God
what a crucible He uses to build character!
B. God Rules Our Future 2-32
1. He Dreams Dreams are the turning point in Joseph’s life. Pharoah has two dreams:
One is of 7 fat/lean cows and the other 7 plump/thin grain. The butler remembered
Joseph. 9-13.
2. He Determines God rules the future…Pharoah’s and ours. Verse 16 It’s not in me.
God shall give Pharoah an answer. Verse 25 God hath shown Pharoah what He is
about to do. Verse 28 What God is about to do. Verse 32 Why two dreams with the
same interpretation? God will shortly bring this to pass. Seven years of plenty and
seven years of extreme famine.
Song: I Don’t Know About Tomorrow
C. God Rules Our Fortune 33-46
1. The Plan 33-36 We have a plan…store up for the future. This would save Egypt
from ruin.
2. The Pleasure 37-46 We need a man…Joseph is God’s man. The right administrator
is so important. 37, 38. Joseph is made 2nd in Egypt. God is in charge of our

Do you find yourself in the fire?
Joseph responded in three ways: so should we!
A. Surrender 16 “I can’t...He can”
It’s not in me. God will give Pharoah the answer.
1.Death In prison Joseph had died! Joseph was physically alive, but the old Joseph
died. It was no longer Joseph doing something for God, nor Jospeh and God as co-
partners. It was God and God alone!
2.Dynamics Joseph was no longer the power supply. He was merely the cable
through which the power flowed, and he was grateful to be that cable.
(John 15:5) I am the vine, you are the branches…without me you can do nothing.
(I Cor. 15:9,10) Yet not I, but the grace of God which was in me. (II Cor. 3:5)
Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything of ourselves, but our
sufficiency is of God. (Gal. 2:20) I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live,
yet not I but Christ lives in me…(Col. 1:27) Christ in you the hope of glory.
*“It’s not in me.” Let’s make it practical. You wake up tomorrow morning to another
day filled with pressures and problems: “Dear God, It’s not in me. Lord, live today
through me. I am crucified, yet I live. Father, I yield my body. Walk in me today. My
tongue for you to speak through today. My eyes for you to use today…to see. Be

*Throughout the day…RELAX: “Dear Lord…I’m giving it all back to You…It’s not
in me. Please live your life through me.”
*I can’t live the Christian life…It’s your body, BUT HIS STRENGTH! Illus. orange
juice and a container. We’re the container…He’s the SUBSTANCE!
B. Sacrifice 25 “I didn’t...He did”
1. None of the glory goes to us. It all belongs to Him! We are just the container. He is
2.The issue: We’re dead, then where’s our right to glory? We are FREE…Free from
the anxiety of success. Free from the pressures of conforming…Free from the consequences of failure.
3.We are so much like the children of Israel and we listen to Satan: “Hey you’re really something. God needs you. Hey, you’ve got it. Give God a hand.” Clutching a piece of God’s glory in our hands, we’ve lost the capacity to relax and live the yielded Christian life. We’ve returned to some form of doing something for God and in the process, you’ve lost your joy.

“It’s Not In Me...It’s In Him”
O that we might come to see
What all the world can see in me.
When God is robbed of all His glory
Man is left without God’s story.

But when in life no power I own
Then can Christ’s great power be shown.
In my weakness lies my song
When I am nothing...God is strong.

C. Satisfaction 38, 42 “Thank you God”
When God does something…He gets all the glory and credit!
1. Indwelt by God’s Spirit 38 It’s obvious to everyone that God is at work.
Joseph possesses His Spirit!
2. Invaded by God’s Surplus 42 A signet ring…a royal robe…a victory
processional…he is made ruler. So it is with us we are joint heirs with Jesus
Christ…more than conquerors…victory in Jesus… “Thank you Jesus! Thank you

All We Can Do Is Say, “Thanks”

We are put in the fire. The dross is removed so all that remains is a reflection of Jesus!

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