St. John Missionary Baptist Church
Worship Celebration (Sunday, May 12, 2024)
Dr. Kevin B. Hall, Pastor
Locations & Times
St. John Missionary Baptist Church (South Campus)
662 S 52nd St, Richmond, CA 94804, USA
Sunday 11:00 AM
Sermonic Text: 2 Kings 4:1-7
Sermonic Title: "A Determined Mother"
The Key Idea: A Determined Mother Does What's Best For Her Children.
I. Praying Is What A Determined Mother Does For Her Children.
II. Protecting Is What A Determined Mother Does For Her Children.
III. Providing Is What A Determined Mother Does For Her Children.
Sermonic Title: "A Determined Mother"
The Key Idea: A Determined Mother Does What's Best For Her Children.
I. Praying Is What A Determined Mother Does For Her Children.
II. Protecting Is What A Determined Mother Does For Her Children.
III. Providing Is What A Determined Mother Does For Her Children.
From the Pastor Desk
(2 Corinthians 12:9)
“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”
Paul was an apostle who had a thorn in his flesh. Although he did not disclose what this thorn in his flesh was, we can infer that he was living with a problem or pain that tormented him. Paul recognized that this thorn was designed to prevent him from being conceited and the source of it was satanic. After Paul prayed three times for the Lord to remove this thorn, God said to him: “My grace [unmerited favor] is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”
Consequently, Paul declared that he would gladly boast about his weaknesses rather than lament them so that he could experience the power of Christ. Alternatively speaking, Paul discovered that “Having The Power Of Christ” is the result of approaching and talking positively about his weaknesses.
“Having The Power Of Christ” makes life much better. “Having The Power Of Christ” enables Christians to endure and survive even the toughest situations. “Having The Power Of Christ” also makes it possible to live joyfully despite thorns in our flesh. Instead of complaining about our weaknesses and thorns in the flesh (whatever torments and exasperates us), let’s approach them and talk about them positively. By doing this, we will benefit by “Having The Power Of Christ.”
“St. John exists, as A Kingdom Building Church in two communities,
to Evangelize sinners and Equip saints,
who are Edifying and Enjoyingone another,
to Exalt the SAVIOR” (Mt. 28:18-20).
If God permits, Sunday will be Mother’s Day. Annually, Mother’s Day is on the 2nd Sunday of May which is, more importantly, the Lord’s Day. Truly, mothers deserve to be loved, honored, and celebrated because we would not exist without them.
As your pastor, I encourage everyone to attend St. John on Mother’s Day in either or both of our morning Worship Celebrations (9:00 at the North Campus and 11:00 at the South Campus). I further encourage all mothers to attend at one or both of our campuses on Mother’s Day. Mothers, please strongly express your desire to your children, family, and others how greatly they can honor you as a mother by worshipping with you at your church (St. John MBC) on Mother’s Day. We will celebrate the Lord and edify mothers rather than eulogizing mothers and stoking sadness for people whose mothers have passed.
A lot of authors have written about prosperity, and this is something that concerns many. Among all that various authors have said, we should be attentive to “God’s Design For Prosperity.” The more we give the more we receive. Someone said: “Only by giving are you able to receive more than you already have.”
More importantly, God said: “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.” Presenting God our tithes and offerings is “God’s Design For Prosperity.”
Believers please God by faithfully and generously giving Him tithes and offerings. Tithing is giving to God 10% of our gross income/increase (which belongs to God), and the remaining 90% is ours to utilize wisely. God inspires us to give our offerings from the remaining 90%, in addition to our tithes. Our tithes and offerings should be set aside before paying anything else (first fruits).
At St. John, we give in person during Sunday Morning Worship Celebrations, by mailing or dropping off our tithes and offerings at our Administration Building or South Campus. We also give online through our website (
Intercessory Prayer is when believers pray on behalf of others. James 5:16b says: “Pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” When believers pray for one another, people are blessed. For example, Peter was delivered from prison because the church prayed incessantly to God on his behalf (Acts 12:5-17). Because God answers prayer, please pray daily for others and the following:
St. John Missionary Baptist Church: Ask God to grow our congregation spiritually, numerically, and financially. Also, pray to Godregarding our Building Project, and intercede on behalf of parishioners who are ill.
Pastor & Minister: Kevin B. Hall & Family and Metrice Williams
Mothers: Annie Johnson, Ermestine Martin, Ruth Thomas, Marie Ward, Lillie Wiggins, and Ruth Wilson
Brother: Anthony Jones
Sisters: Dorothy Beasley, Clara Caldwell, Drucilla Cooper, Annie Craven, Vera Dixon, Nyla Gonzalez, Zodia Jordan, Margaret LeBrane, Clara Martin, Deborah McWhorter, Joe Nell Payton, Barbara Ratliff, Dolores Rollins, Peggy Stephens, Cornelia Wilson, and Dorothy Younger
If you are a sick & shut-in member of St. Johnwho needs special prayer and desires to be added to this list, call (510-233-1779) or email me (
“And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do,
that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
If ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it.”
(Jn. 14-13-14)
“The Son Greater Than Angels”
(Hebrews 1:1-9)
Related Scriptures: Psalm 2:1-12; Matthew 3:13-17; Hebrews 1:13-2-9
Thursday, May 9: 1 Kings 21-22; John 3:1-21
Friday, May 10: 2 Kings 1-3; John 3:22-36
Saturday, May 11: 2 Kings 4-5; John 4:1-30
Sunday, May 12: 2 Kings 6-8; John 4:31-54
Monday, May 13: 2 Kings 9-11; John 5:1-24
Tuesday, May 14: 2 Kings 12-14; John 5:25-47
Wednesday, May 15: 2 Kings 15-17; John 6:1-21
Thursday, May 16: 2 Kings 18-19; John 6:22-44
Friday, May 17: 2 Kings 20-22; John 6:45-71
Saturday, May 18: 2 Kings 23-25; John 7:1-31
Our Worship Celebrations: We have two in-person Worship Celebrations on Sundays at 9:00 a.m. (the North Campus) and 11:00 a.m.(the South Campus). Also, our virtual audience is proliferating. Let’s continue to share with others how they can view our Worship Celebrations via live streaming (YouTube) or hear them via podcasts. For more information, you may visit our website at
Our Family Life Center: We have submitted again a revised design for our Family Life Center to the City of Richmond to be reviewed for reasons that could reduce the cost of our project. Hopefully, this will not be a long process. If the City of Richmond approves our revised design, we will select a construction contractor. Once this is done, construction will begin (hopefully the parking lot first). Please pray daily asking God to bless and direct us regarding our Family Life Center which will be adjacent to our current sanctuary at the North Campus, consisting of a gymnasium, weight room, and game room (mainly for kids). Also, a parking lot will be across the street from this edifice.
Many of us made a commitment that we fulfilled, but some have not. I am not promoting equal giving but equal sacrifice, which is an appeal to each of us to do our very best. If you are a parishioner or affiliate of St. John, you should want to give financially so that you will feel good in the future knowing that you contributed to an edifice that will glorify God and enrich a community.
May God bless each of us who have already fulfilled our pledge and others who have made “Building Fund” contributions. I encourage everyone (if you have not already done so) to contribute financially (in full or in installments) as soon as possible to this building project by choosing one of the following tiers:
1) $10,000.00 or more
2) $5,000.00 to $9,999.00
3) $1,000.00 to $4,999.00
4) $500.00 to $999.00
5) Below $500.00
Our Weekly Activities: I strongly encourage everyone to participate in the St. John activities that benefit you. Visit our website at if you need more information. What’s forthcoming?
Worship Celebrations at 9:00 a.m. (North Campus) and 11:00 a.m. (South Campus) Online Church School at 2:00 p.m.Online Lord’s Supper on 1st Sundays in the 11:00 Worship Celebration or after that. Each believer will need bread (or crackers) and grape juice (or something similar) to participate.
Grocery Giveaway Preparation at 10:00 a.m. (South Campus)Women Missionary Ministry (General Mission) on 4th Mondays at 6:00 p.m.(South Campus)
Grocery Giveaway (North Campus and South Campus) at 12:00 p.m.Online Church Leadership Council on Tuesdays following 2nd Sundays at 6:30 p.m.
Online Prayer at 12:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.Online Church School at 7:00 p.m.
“Having The Power Of Christ” is essential for our endurance, survival, and joy (2 Cor. 12:9). Furthermore, “God’s Design For Prosperity” is giving (Mal. 3:10).
May God bless and sustain each of us.
Your Beloved Servant In Christ,
Pastor Kevin B. Hall,
D.Min., M.Div., M.R.E., B.Th., B.A.
(2 Corinthians 12:9)
“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”
Paul was an apostle who had a thorn in his flesh. Although he did not disclose what this thorn in his flesh was, we can infer that he was living with a problem or pain that tormented him. Paul recognized that this thorn was designed to prevent him from being conceited and the source of it was satanic. After Paul prayed three times for the Lord to remove this thorn, God said to him: “My grace [unmerited favor] is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”
Consequently, Paul declared that he would gladly boast about his weaknesses rather than lament them so that he could experience the power of Christ. Alternatively speaking, Paul discovered that “Having The Power Of Christ” is the result of approaching and talking positively about his weaknesses.
“Having The Power Of Christ” makes life much better. “Having The Power Of Christ” enables Christians to endure and survive even the toughest situations. “Having The Power Of Christ” also makes it possible to live joyfully despite thorns in our flesh. Instead of complaining about our weaknesses and thorns in the flesh (whatever torments and exasperates us), let’s approach them and talk about them positively. By doing this, we will benefit by “Having The Power Of Christ.”
“St. John exists, as A Kingdom Building Church in two communities,
to Evangelize sinners and Equip saints,
who are Edifying and Enjoyingone another,
to Exalt the SAVIOR” (Mt. 28:18-20).
If God permits, Sunday will be Mother’s Day. Annually, Mother’s Day is on the 2nd Sunday of May which is, more importantly, the Lord’s Day. Truly, mothers deserve to be loved, honored, and celebrated because we would not exist without them.
As your pastor, I encourage everyone to attend St. John on Mother’s Day in either or both of our morning Worship Celebrations (9:00 at the North Campus and 11:00 at the South Campus). I further encourage all mothers to attend at one or both of our campuses on Mother’s Day. Mothers, please strongly express your desire to your children, family, and others how greatly they can honor you as a mother by worshipping with you at your church (St. John MBC) on Mother’s Day. We will celebrate the Lord and edify mothers rather than eulogizing mothers and stoking sadness for people whose mothers have passed.
A lot of authors have written about prosperity, and this is something that concerns many. Among all that various authors have said, we should be attentive to “God’s Design For Prosperity.” The more we give the more we receive. Someone said: “Only by giving are you able to receive more than you already have.”
More importantly, God said: “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.” Presenting God our tithes and offerings is “God’s Design For Prosperity.”
Believers please God by faithfully and generously giving Him tithes and offerings. Tithing is giving to God 10% of our gross income/increase (which belongs to God), and the remaining 90% is ours to utilize wisely. God inspires us to give our offerings from the remaining 90%, in addition to our tithes. Our tithes and offerings should be set aside before paying anything else (first fruits).
At St. John, we give in person during Sunday Morning Worship Celebrations, by mailing or dropping off our tithes and offerings at our Administration Building or South Campus. We also give online through our website (
Intercessory Prayer is when believers pray on behalf of others. James 5:16b says: “Pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” When believers pray for one another, people are blessed. For example, Peter was delivered from prison because the church prayed incessantly to God on his behalf (Acts 12:5-17). Because God answers prayer, please pray daily for others and the following:
St. John Missionary Baptist Church: Ask God to grow our congregation spiritually, numerically, and financially. Also, pray to Godregarding our Building Project, and intercede on behalf of parishioners who are ill.
Pastor & Minister: Kevin B. Hall & Family and Metrice Williams
Mothers: Annie Johnson, Ermestine Martin, Ruth Thomas, Marie Ward, Lillie Wiggins, and Ruth Wilson
Brother: Anthony Jones
Sisters: Dorothy Beasley, Clara Caldwell, Drucilla Cooper, Annie Craven, Vera Dixon, Nyla Gonzalez, Zodia Jordan, Margaret LeBrane, Clara Martin, Deborah McWhorter, Joe Nell Payton, Barbara Ratliff, Dolores Rollins, Peggy Stephens, Cornelia Wilson, and Dorothy Younger
If you are a sick & shut-in member of St. Johnwho needs special prayer and desires to be added to this list, call (510-233-1779) or email me (
“And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do,
that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
If ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it.”
(Jn. 14-13-14)
“The Son Greater Than Angels”
(Hebrews 1:1-9)
Related Scriptures: Psalm 2:1-12; Matthew 3:13-17; Hebrews 1:13-2-9
Thursday, May 9: 1 Kings 21-22; John 3:1-21
Friday, May 10: 2 Kings 1-3; John 3:22-36
Saturday, May 11: 2 Kings 4-5; John 4:1-30
Sunday, May 12: 2 Kings 6-8; John 4:31-54
Monday, May 13: 2 Kings 9-11; John 5:1-24
Tuesday, May 14: 2 Kings 12-14; John 5:25-47
Wednesday, May 15: 2 Kings 15-17; John 6:1-21
Thursday, May 16: 2 Kings 18-19; John 6:22-44
Friday, May 17: 2 Kings 20-22; John 6:45-71
Saturday, May 18: 2 Kings 23-25; John 7:1-31
Our Worship Celebrations: We have two in-person Worship Celebrations on Sundays at 9:00 a.m. (the North Campus) and 11:00 a.m.(the South Campus). Also, our virtual audience is proliferating. Let’s continue to share with others how they can view our Worship Celebrations via live streaming (YouTube) or hear them via podcasts. For more information, you may visit our website at
Our Family Life Center: We have submitted again a revised design for our Family Life Center to the City of Richmond to be reviewed for reasons that could reduce the cost of our project. Hopefully, this will not be a long process. If the City of Richmond approves our revised design, we will select a construction contractor. Once this is done, construction will begin (hopefully the parking lot first). Please pray daily asking God to bless and direct us regarding our Family Life Center which will be adjacent to our current sanctuary at the North Campus, consisting of a gymnasium, weight room, and game room (mainly for kids). Also, a parking lot will be across the street from this edifice.
Many of us made a commitment that we fulfilled, but some have not. I am not promoting equal giving but equal sacrifice, which is an appeal to each of us to do our very best. If you are a parishioner or affiliate of St. John, you should want to give financially so that you will feel good in the future knowing that you contributed to an edifice that will glorify God and enrich a community.
May God bless each of us who have already fulfilled our pledge and others who have made “Building Fund” contributions. I encourage everyone (if you have not already done so) to contribute financially (in full or in installments) as soon as possible to this building project by choosing one of the following tiers:
1) $10,000.00 or more
2) $5,000.00 to $9,999.00
3) $1,000.00 to $4,999.00
4) $500.00 to $999.00
5) Below $500.00
Our Weekly Activities: I strongly encourage everyone to participate in the St. John activities that benefit you. Visit our website at if you need more information. What’s forthcoming?
Worship Celebrations at 9:00 a.m. (North Campus) and 11:00 a.m. (South Campus) Online Church School at 2:00 p.m.Online Lord’s Supper on 1st Sundays in the 11:00 Worship Celebration or after that. Each believer will need bread (or crackers) and grape juice (or something similar) to participate.
Grocery Giveaway Preparation at 10:00 a.m. (South Campus)Women Missionary Ministry (General Mission) on 4th Mondays at 6:00 p.m.(South Campus)
Grocery Giveaway (North Campus and South Campus) at 12:00 p.m.Online Church Leadership Council on Tuesdays following 2nd Sundays at 6:30 p.m.
Online Prayer at 12:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.Online Church School at 7:00 p.m.
“Having The Power Of Christ” is essential for our endurance, survival, and joy (2 Cor. 12:9). Furthermore, “God’s Design For Prosperity” is giving (Mal. 3:10).
May God bless and sustain each of us.
Your Beloved Servant In Christ,
Pastor Kevin B. Hall,
D.Min., M.Div., M.R.E., B.Th., B.A.