Pennsville Baptist Church

Sunday Morning Service
Sunday Morning Service
Locations & Times
Pennsville Baptist Church
3298 Richey Rd, Mt Pleasant, PA 15666, USA
Sunday 9:45 AM
Genesis 39:21-40:23
Grow Where You Are Planted
1. Joseph had risen to a position of exaltation as Potiphar’s trusted administrator only to descend
to a position of degradation in prison for a crime he did not commit. God is making a
man…His man.
2. Some live on the W. Side and some on the E. Some drive new cars, some have had the same
car for years. Some had good parents with and ideal upbringing. Some had parents that failed
miserably. Some has health, some don’t. We get all caught up in this. That’s not what’s
really important.
3. Someone said, “Grow where you are planted.” We see this in the life of Joseph. It is easy to
say, but how do you grow where you are planted?
4. Genesis 39:21-40:23 we are going to see 5 principles:
How can you grow where you are planted?
God is in control. This is seen if 4 ways. Note: the LORD
A.His Placement He is in prison!
1.This is not Joseph’s choice and most likely not even his preference.
2.“It just happened.” Every life has a few bad breaks. God is ordering His steps.
3.Why do you live where you Live? Why do you work where you work or know who you know? It is by God’s design. God needs His people in key locations for His purpose for the glory of God!
B. His Popularity 21
This is a repeat of Potiphar’s house.
1.God holds the key to popularity.
2.Do you see that God holds the keys to how others accept you. If you are a jerk don’t expect people to like you.
3.He knows the right people! It’s not what you know or who you know, but who knows you.
C. His Promotion 22
He was responsible for everything!
1.God gave Joseph an unusual ability! God holds the key to promotions.
2.The Lord was with Joseph. We rise as high as God sees fit to accomplish His purpose. Grow where you are planted.
D. His Prosperity 23
His prosperity was a real cause of division, jealousy and criticism.
1.It is hard for us to imagine that God would want someone to be poor or have a hard time financially.
2.God is all knowing. God seems to bless those on a budget and those not in debt. Some waste it. Some wouldn’t know what to do with it…such is not always the case. Real prosperity results from the work of God in the life of one who seeks God with all his heart. (Ps. 1:3; Josh. 1:8) How much isn’t the issue. Are you bringing glory to God with what you have and where you are.
3.Quit struggling. Quit fighting. REST! Grow where you are planted. You never will until you grasp the principle of Sovereignty. This is first.
How can you grow where you are planted?
Within God’s placement there are Butlers and Bakers with problems who need a living God
introduced into their situation.
A. People With Problems 1-3a
1. Problem of Relations 1
*Offended the Pharoah. The butler was the official taster. The baker made the
bread substance. Poison may have been discovered and Pharoah must get to the
bottom of it.
*You will find problems in relations: husband and wife…parent and child…
finance related.
2. Problem of Reversal 2
The word officer is the word saris…eunuch or high official as with Potiphar.
Things aren’t going so well for these two.
3. Problem of Restraint 3a
They are bound in prison. Your world is full of hurting, captive people!
B. People of Promise 3b-4
In prison…but free!
1.Into prison…the very place where Joseph was bound. He is God’s man, in God’s place, for God’s purpose. So it is with us.
2.Verse 4. Do you remember the captain of the guard…the chief investigator…the
Chief Body Guard of Pharoah? Potiphar served them! I came not to be ministered unto, but to minister. The heart of a servant is essential to grow where you are planted. Quit living for what you get, the recognition is gone! Do it for Him!
How can you grow where you are planted?
It’s easy to get wrapped up in our world…our placement…our popularity…our position
Our heart needs to stay sensitive!
A. The Reason For Concern 5
Here the concern is a dream. There are thousands of reasons for concern around you.
B. The Reaction To The Concern 6-7
1. He Saw
2. He Spoke
What’s wrong? What can I do to help? Grow where you are planted. Risk
becoming involved. Stay sensitive be willing to reach out.
How can you grow where you are planted?
A. Surrender All Pride
1. All the glory must go to God. 8 Joseph isn’t the answer. God is! Then when
something is accomplished we can take no credit. (41:16, 25, 28, 32)
2. It’s not in me…It was God!
“Not I” (Poem)
B. Surrender All Plans
God knows all about Him! The dreams and the interpretation are
given…first to the Butler v. 13 and then the Baker v. 19.
C. Surrender All Predictions
1. The world we live in needs to hear a word from God.
2. These need to order their lives by Him. We bow before Him. Man’s first need is to
know Jesus Christ through a personal relationship with Him. The Good News is
Jesus paid for all of our sins. Tell It!
How can you grow where you are planted?
As we consider verses 14 and 15 Joseph wasn’t into pain. He tried natural means of release.
A.He Gave Up His Rights 21, 22
He makes no bitter remarks about his brothers and he says nothing about the incident
with Potiphar’s wife.
B.He Gave Up His Results 23
The Butler and Baker forgot Joseph!
1.Talk to the right people who can do something about the situation. Go though the proper channels.
2.Recognize the people that God brings into you life as part fulfilling His plan.
3.God is always at work! In a church look at the new people God is bringing in.
C.He Gave Up His Rational
1.Joseph was 17 when he was sent down to Egypt and 30 when he appeared before Pharoah. (41:36) He was 13 years either in Potiphar’s house or in prison!
2.These two…the butler and baker are God’s purpose. God needed to get Joseph from Prison to the Palace. God wanted Joseph to be a blessing in the Prison. God did not want to see deliverance from prison, but deliverance in prison.
3. The most vital lesson we can learn: It is not that God cannot deliver you. It is
rather that often (for now) He has chosen to bless you in your circumstances in
order that He take you through them and thus change you by them!
We should pray: “Lord, if is possible…Never the less Thy will be done”
If the choice is between avoiding the cross or doing your will…I CHOOSE THE CROSS!
Grow Where You Are Planted
1. Joseph had risen to a position of exaltation as Potiphar’s trusted administrator only to descend
to a position of degradation in prison for a crime he did not commit. God is making a
man…His man.
2. Some live on the W. Side and some on the E. Some drive new cars, some have had the same
car for years. Some had good parents with and ideal upbringing. Some had parents that failed
miserably. Some has health, some don’t. We get all caught up in this. That’s not what’s
really important.
3. Someone said, “Grow where you are planted.” We see this in the life of Joseph. It is easy to
say, but how do you grow where you are planted?
4. Genesis 39:21-40:23 we are going to see 5 principles:
How can you grow where you are planted?
God is in control. This is seen if 4 ways. Note: the LORD
A.His Placement He is in prison!
1.This is not Joseph’s choice and most likely not even his preference.
2.“It just happened.” Every life has a few bad breaks. God is ordering His steps.
3.Why do you live where you Live? Why do you work where you work or know who you know? It is by God’s design. God needs His people in key locations for His purpose for the glory of God!
B. His Popularity 21
This is a repeat of Potiphar’s house.
1.God holds the key to popularity.
2.Do you see that God holds the keys to how others accept you. If you are a jerk don’t expect people to like you.
3.He knows the right people! It’s not what you know or who you know, but who knows you.
C. His Promotion 22
He was responsible for everything!
1.God gave Joseph an unusual ability! God holds the key to promotions.
2.The Lord was with Joseph. We rise as high as God sees fit to accomplish His purpose. Grow where you are planted.
D. His Prosperity 23
His prosperity was a real cause of division, jealousy and criticism.
1.It is hard for us to imagine that God would want someone to be poor or have a hard time financially.
2.God is all knowing. God seems to bless those on a budget and those not in debt. Some waste it. Some wouldn’t know what to do with it…such is not always the case. Real prosperity results from the work of God in the life of one who seeks God with all his heart. (Ps. 1:3; Josh. 1:8) How much isn’t the issue. Are you bringing glory to God with what you have and where you are.
3.Quit struggling. Quit fighting. REST! Grow where you are planted. You never will until you grasp the principle of Sovereignty. This is first.
How can you grow where you are planted?
Within God’s placement there are Butlers and Bakers with problems who need a living God
introduced into their situation.
A. People With Problems 1-3a
1. Problem of Relations 1
*Offended the Pharoah. The butler was the official taster. The baker made the
bread substance. Poison may have been discovered and Pharoah must get to the
bottom of it.
*You will find problems in relations: husband and wife…parent and child…
finance related.
2. Problem of Reversal 2
The word officer is the word saris…eunuch or high official as with Potiphar.
Things aren’t going so well for these two.
3. Problem of Restraint 3a
They are bound in prison. Your world is full of hurting, captive people!
B. People of Promise 3b-4
In prison…but free!
1.Into prison…the very place where Joseph was bound. He is God’s man, in God’s place, for God’s purpose. So it is with us.
2.Verse 4. Do you remember the captain of the guard…the chief investigator…the
Chief Body Guard of Pharoah? Potiphar served them! I came not to be ministered unto, but to minister. The heart of a servant is essential to grow where you are planted. Quit living for what you get, the recognition is gone! Do it for Him!
How can you grow where you are planted?
It’s easy to get wrapped up in our world…our placement…our popularity…our position
Our heart needs to stay sensitive!
A. The Reason For Concern 5
Here the concern is a dream. There are thousands of reasons for concern around you.
B. The Reaction To The Concern 6-7
1. He Saw
2. He Spoke
What’s wrong? What can I do to help? Grow where you are planted. Risk
becoming involved. Stay sensitive be willing to reach out.
How can you grow where you are planted?
A. Surrender All Pride
1. All the glory must go to God. 8 Joseph isn’t the answer. God is! Then when
something is accomplished we can take no credit. (41:16, 25, 28, 32)
2. It’s not in me…It was God!
“Not I” (Poem)
B. Surrender All Plans
God knows all about Him! The dreams and the interpretation are
given…first to the Butler v. 13 and then the Baker v. 19.
C. Surrender All Predictions
1. The world we live in needs to hear a word from God.
2. These need to order their lives by Him. We bow before Him. Man’s first need is to
know Jesus Christ through a personal relationship with Him. The Good News is
Jesus paid for all of our sins. Tell It!
How can you grow where you are planted?
As we consider verses 14 and 15 Joseph wasn’t into pain. He tried natural means of release.
A.He Gave Up His Rights 21, 22
He makes no bitter remarks about his brothers and he says nothing about the incident
with Potiphar’s wife.
B.He Gave Up His Results 23
The Butler and Baker forgot Joseph!
1.Talk to the right people who can do something about the situation. Go though the proper channels.
2.Recognize the people that God brings into you life as part fulfilling His plan.
3.God is always at work! In a church look at the new people God is bringing in.
C.He Gave Up His Rational
1.Joseph was 17 when he was sent down to Egypt and 30 when he appeared before Pharoah. (41:36) He was 13 years either in Potiphar’s house or in prison!
2.These two…the butler and baker are God’s purpose. God needed to get Joseph from Prison to the Palace. God wanted Joseph to be a blessing in the Prison. God did not want to see deliverance from prison, but deliverance in prison.
3. The most vital lesson we can learn: It is not that God cannot deliver you. It is
rather that often (for now) He has chosen to bless you in your circumstances in
order that He take you through them and thus change you by them!
We should pray: “Lord, if is possible…Never the less Thy will be done”
If the choice is between avoiding the cross or doing your will…I CHOOSE THE CROSS!
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