The Summit Church

"Quick & Easy Steps to Following Jesus": Cost
Discussion Guide: Week 2
Locations & Times
The Summit Church - Kernersville
4440 High Point Rd, Kernersville, NC 27284, USA
Thursday 7:30 PM
Sunday 9:30 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
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As we discussed last week, following Jesus is not quick or easy. In this series, we are going through 4 key elements of following Jesus. Last week, we talked about Calling, and this week, we are discussing Cost.
We spend a lot of time highlighting the blessings and benefits of following Jesus. And yes, they are abundant. Our lives are certainly better in so many ways. Salvation is free, however, following Jesus does come with a cost. It means that we have to do things His way. When have you or someone that you know had to make a change in your life to do things His way?
Read Mark 8:34-35. What does Jesus mean by "take up their cross and follow me"? How does this apply in our present day?
Pastor Jonathan posed a very direct question; "If the cost is so great, why follow Jesus"? Read through his reasons and reflect on the reality and truth of each of them.
1) We are in Need: sin and humanity are real. We need the Hope and Help that only Jesus can bring
2) Jesus’ Love for us: when we see His self-sacrificing love on the Cross, we can't help but respond
3) It’s a Better Way: it improves our way of life in every aspect of our lives
4) Future Promise: becoming part of His Kingdom
1) We are in Need: sin and humanity are real. We need the Hope and Help that only Jesus can bring
2) Jesus’ Love for us: when we see His self-sacrificing love on the Cross, we can't help but respond
3) It’s a Better Way: it improves our way of life in every aspect of our lives
4) Future Promise: becoming part of His Kingdom
Pastor Jonathan asked us to think about our lives and ask ourselves a simple question: "Are you all in?". How do we move beyond intention and toward making this a part of our daily reality?
Now let's go one step further, what is getting in the way of you being all in, and what are you willing to change?
Take some time and pray. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal areas of your life where you can go all in and follow Him. This may be taking the next step at The Summit or in your personal life. Be open to what He reveals to you.