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Pennsville Baptist Church

Sunday Morning Service

Sunday Morning Service

Sunday Morning Service

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Pennsville Baptist Church

3298 Richey Rd, Mt Pleasant, PA 15666, USA

Sunday 9:45 AM

Genesis 37
God Is Looking For Failures
1. Do you ever get the idea that the only people God can ever use are those who always have it
together. They always make all the right decisions.They always say it just right.
2. These are perfect people. They come from perfect environments. They have perfect
opportunities and make perfect saints. They all have perfect children. That leaves us
out…we’re not perfect.
3. Are you a failure…that which is drastically short of perfect?
4. In Genesis 37 I see a sovereign God stepping into a life that is less than perfect. Have you ever
failed…I mean really failed? Joseph reminds us: God Uses Failures!

Have you failed…that which is drastically short of perfect?
We all have backgrounds, and they will be less than perfect. All is overruled by God.
A. There Is Departure 30:24, 25, 33
1. Joseph was 5 or 6 when they left Haran. (30:5, 6) Joseph would have witnessed Laban’s pursuit. (31:25-28)
2. He saw Esau coming with 400 men to meet Jacob. (33) There was tension among parents and grandparents. There was hatred, anger and a lot of shouting and finger pointing between his father Jacob (Israel) and his uncle (Esau).
B. There Is Defilement 34
1. Joseph would have known of his sister Dinah being defiled by Shechem. In verse 22
all the males of Shechem were circumcised and then Simeon and Levi (Dinah’s brothers) slew all the males. (verse 25) They spoiled the city and stole their possessions.
2. Joseph would have known of deceit, revenge and the ruthless, heartless actions of his brothers. He had less than perfect role models.
C. There Is Death 35:18
1. During child birth (Benjamin), Rachel his mother dies.
2. Now he is in the middle of a hostile environment and his security blanket is ripped away!
D. There Is Decay
1. Joseph would have been exposed to the bitterness and jealousy between Leah and Rachel (two maidservants: Zilpah and Bilhah). It was all about having babies!
2. Leah’s first born was Reuben. Rachel was Jacob’s favorite. Her maid servants were Zilpah and Bilhah. At least 13 babies were born among them.
3. In 35:21ff Reuben was disinherited for his sin with Bilhah. Joseph was raised around trickery, deceit, violence, turmoil and tragedy. Note (37:2) Joseph being 17…chapter 37 must be considered in this light. What a childhood!
4. Give Them All To Jesus shattered dreams, wounded hearts, and broken toys. Give them all…Give them all…Give them all to Jesus and He will turn your sorrow into joy.

Have you failed…that which is drastically short of perfect?
They hated him…4, 5, 8 They envied him…11. Why? At 17 Joesph couldn’t keep quiet!
A. The Informant 2
1. Note how verse 2 unfolds. A 17-year-old is keeping sheep with his half-brothers. He is a tattle tale making his brothers look bad so he’ll look good.
2. We see Joseph informing of his brother’s evil deeds. Joseph brought back a bad report about them to his father.
3. The seeds of conflict are sown. Maybe you were raised feeling you were better than someone else.
B. The Idolized 3, 4
Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his sons.
1. A father’s favoritism adds a few more bricks! They hated him!
2. Joseph was made a coat…not of many colors, but maybe many pieces. It was a long robe, a robe of distinction. It was usually worn by the chief of the family or one designated to be his heir.
3. They hated him. You would think with his popularity poll at an all time low he would keep his mouth shut. He wore it everywhere with pride!
C. The Insensitive 5-8
1. They hated him yet the more…what kind of dream made them hate him yet the more.
2. Hear this dream I dreamed 7, 8 Joseph…keep your mouth shut!My sheaf arose…your sheaves stood around me and bowed low to me.
3. Shall you reign over us? They hated him even more for his dreams (plural… I wonder if this is one of many) and his words. Joseph had to make sure they got the point!
D. The Infuriating 9-11
He dreamed yet another dream.
1. He’s at it again. He’s speaking prophetically. Sun, moon and 11 stars bowed to me. What do you think that sounded like coming from one in the special robe?
2. Verse 10 even dad thinks He’s gone too far. Verse 11 they were jealous and wished he were dead!
3. Have you ever lacked discretion? Have you ever been filled with youthful pride? Has there been times that you couldn’t keep your mouth shut and you said what you shouldn’t? Have you ever hurt others with your words? Have you ever had hatred directed toward you? Have you ever made others look bad so you could look good?

Have you failed…that which is drastically short of perfect?
A. The Plan 12-14
1. Joseph was either obedient, daring or dense!
2. He promptly agreed to pack his razor, deodorant and off to Shechem…in his coat of distinction!
3. Verse 15 when the fog lifts our eager beaver is wandering aimlessly in Shechem, totally lost!
B. The Plot 16-22
1. The Stranger 16, 17 God sends a stranger. What are you looking for? How many times does God send strangers into our lives. These strangers come and go and we fail to realize they are from God.
2. The Scheme 18-22
*Plan A 18-20 Kill him and say some evil beast hath devoured him.
*Plan B 21, 22 Reuben, the oldest had a dissenting vote. He is the first born, the heir. Cast him into this pit. Where did he get that thought? God had a greater plan!
C. The Pit 23-28
What a destination!
1. Verses 23, 24 we read nothing of Joseph’s opposition. Not so: (42:21) When he pleaded with us. (NASV)
2. Verse 25 They sent out for a Quarter Pounder. Picture it: Baby brother is screaming his lungs out in a dry well, and his brothers are eating! Reuben (the only dissenting vote) is gone. The camels are coming. Coincidence? No more coincidence than the fact the sun rose this morning. No more so than finding the traveler when he was wandering. “God’s Little Helpers”! It is a band of Ishmaelites who happened to be passing by at the precise time in history when God needed them. What are the chances?!
3. Verse 27 Good News! Amen! “You’re Kidding!” Verse 28 they sold him for the price of a crippled slave! God has His ways of knocking the pride out of us!
D. The Plight 29-36
Jacob is told that Joseph is dead. The Midianites sold Joseph into Egypt unto Potipher.
Joseph didn’t choose Egypt…God did! It seems like the end. To God it was the
beginning. Joseph thought he was bound for oblivion, but Joseph is being hand carried at
another’s expense right into the center of God’s will! That’s precisely the way it is in your
life and mine. How often the traumas, hurts and pits are nothing more than God’s designed
miracles to transport us to the place in God’s will where the Master needs us to fulfill His
plan. Circumstances are deceiving.
LESSONS: God is sovereign (in control). The present is often deceiving. Everything that happens
is not good or easy. God is always making us. God is never in a hurry, and He always knows what
is best. Nothing ever happens to us that is not in God’s permissive will, and nothing has ever
happened to us that will not be used of God…if we will let Him!
Death is God’s key to victory. Out of the ash heaps of life’s defeats come the birth pangs of
new life, and the world is amazed!

Want Ads of God’s classified section: WANTED: SINNERS…In any condition. New Owner Will Cleanse, Renew, Transform and Use.
What If I’m Just A Failure (Poem)

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