CityHeart Church | Pastor Kevin Reid

Because He Lives | We Are Made Alive
Locations & Times
CityHeart Church
824 State St, Jackson, MS 39201, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
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http://www.cityheartjackson.comResurrection is an audacious claim.
We are made alive with Christ.
He was crucified.
We must crucify.
We must crucify.
He died.
We must die.
We must die.
He was buried.
We must bury.
We must bury.
He was raised to a new life.
We must rise to new life.
We must rise to new life.
He counted himself dead to sin but alive to God.
Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf was accepted by God.
His death on the cross was sufficient, and our sins were forgiven.
Jesus was resurrected.
We can't just know Jesus was resurrected, we must believe it.
We believe based on evidence.
Resurrection was God’s plan all along.
We stood guilty and bound with sin, worthy of condemnation, but God had a different plan.
God’s plan was to not leave you dead, but to make you alive.
We can’t go back on what we believe!
He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today!
You ask me how I know He lives, He lives within my heart!
Because He Lives, we are made alive.
We Live to Serve!
Here at CityHeart, we live to serve!! We are about the whole body of Christ being the hands and feet of Jesus as Christ is the head is the head of the church! What has God placed in your hands or your path that you haven't walked in yet? Find your fit, grow in community, and sign up to serve below! here!
One of our core values is "We Give and Grow." Whether it's our time, talent, or treasure, we believe giving is an avenue for growth in our personal lives and within our city.
Sign up for baptism!
If you made a decision to follow Christ, we would love to celebrate with you and get you signed up for baptism! prayer? Submit a prayer request here.
Our prayer team meets on Saturday mornings to earnestly pray for these prayer requests. Know that you are loved and being covered in prayer.