GracePoint Church

March 31, 2024 Sermon Notes
Christ is Risen!! Our purpose at GracePoint Church is to connect real people to the real God, and we believe studying the Bible is one of the best ways to do that. In this Easter Sunday sermon, we focus on the hope that we have because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. May the Lord bless you as you listen to His Word!
Locations & Times
GracePoint Church
1 E 22nd St, Atlantic, IA 50022, United States
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sermon Outline & Notes
Main Idea: The RESURRECTION of JESUS fills our lives with hope!
Three reasons the resurrection of Jesus fills us with hope.
Reason #1 = Our Faith
If Christ is not raised, our Faith is Useless
But since He is raised, our Faith is Effective
Reason #2 = Our Sin
If Christ is not raised, our Sin is Condemned
But since He is raised, our Sin is Forgiven
Reason #3 = Our Future
If Christ is not raised, our Future is Hopeless
But since He is raised, our Future is Glorious
Main Idea: The RESURRECTION of JESUS fills our lives with hope!
Three reasons the resurrection of Jesus fills us with hope.
Reason #1 = Our Faith
If Christ is not raised, our Faith is Useless
But since He is raised, our Faith is Effective
Reason #2 = Our Sin
If Christ is not raised, our Sin is Condemned
But since He is raised, our Sin is Forgiven
Reason #3 = Our Future
If Christ is not raised, our Future is Hopeless
But since He is raised, our Future is Glorious
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