Peace Church - Cary, NC

Easter Season - Palm Sunday
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Locations & Times
Peace Church
1777 W Chatham St, Cary, NC 27513, USA
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
"Follow Me" Sermon Questions
1. Why did John write his Gospel? See John 20:30-31
2. How does this story of Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem fit John’s purpose in writing?
3. What is so different about Jesus entering Jerusalem as a King? Why not enter by riding a horse leading a victorious army home? How was this viewed by the Scribes and Pharisees, Jesus’ disciples, and the crowds? See John 12:16-19 and John 2:22.
4. Can you identify the emotional intensity in the story and how the religious fervor was increasing? What clues are in the story and chapter?
5. Notice the response of the Scribes and Pharisees and the response of the Greeks in verses 19 and 20. Were both groups of the same mind or different? If different, how so? How does this fit into John’s purpose in writing? How eager are you to “see” Jesus?
6. This chapter records the King of the Jews entering Jerusalem using the symbolism the people of the day understood to be a victorious King returning to His people with the spoils of war. Yet, what was Jesus modeling and calling His Church to do?
7. Jesus lays down strong requirements for receiving eternal life. What are they? Why does He tell us to lose and hate our life and die? Why does following Jesus entail such sacrifice?
8. Are you a follower of Jesus Christ on this Palm Sunday?
1. Why did John write his Gospel? See John 20:30-31
2. How does this story of Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem fit John’s purpose in writing?
3. What is so different about Jesus entering Jerusalem as a King? Why not enter by riding a horse leading a victorious army home? How was this viewed by the Scribes and Pharisees, Jesus’ disciples, and the crowds? See John 12:16-19 and John 2:22.
4. Can you identify the emotional intensity in the story and how the religious fervor was increasing? What clues are in the story and chapter?
5. Notice the response of the Scribes and Pharisees and the response of the Greeks in verses 19 and 20. Were both groups of the same mind or different? If different, how so? How does this fit into John’s purpose in writing? How eager are you to “see” Jesus?
6. This chapter records the King of the Jews entering Jerusalem using the symbolism the people of the day understood to be a victorious King returning to His people with the spoils of war. Yet, what was Jesus modeling and calling His Church to do?
7. Jesus lays down strong requirements for receiving eternal life. What are they? Why does He tell us to lose and hate our life and die? Why does following Jesus entail such sacrifice?
8. Are you a follower of Jesus Christ on this Palm Sunday?