The Bridge Church

David - David's Legacy
March 24, 2024
Locations & Times
Englewood SKY Academy
871 S River Rd, Englewood, FL 34223, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
Legacy is not just about tomorrow.
Legacy is about the choices we make today.
Legacy is about the choices we make today.
1. Know God Deeply
1 Chronicles 28:8-9 (CSB) Observe and follow all the commands of the Lord your God so that you may possess this good land and leave it as an inheritance to your descendants forever. As for you, Solomon my son, know the God of your father...
2. Serve God Willingly
1 Chronicles 28:9 (CSB) “serve him wholeheartedly and with a willing mind...”
3. Seek God Wholeheartedly
1 Chronicles 28:9 If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you abandon him, he will reject you forever.
4. Pass your faith onto the next generation
God has a purpose for each of us in our own generation
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time.
I need to be baptized.
I need to attend Starting Point.
I need to join a serve team.
I need to join a small group.
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time.
I need to be baptized.
I need to attend Starting Point.
I need to join a serve team.
I need to join a small group.
Dig Deeper:
1. What does the word “legacy” bring to mind? When do you consider a legacy taking place?
2. Can a legacy be associated with negative outcomes just as much as positive ones? Provide details to your answer.
3. What does our world focus on regarding a legacy?
4. Read 1 Chronicles 28:8. What is the significance of saying this “in the sight of all Israel, the assembly of the Lord, and in the hearing of our God”?
5. Why does David want Solomon “to observe and follow all of the commands of the Lord your God"? Read Psalm 119:9-16, a psalm David wrote. What do God’s commands provide for us? What is the ultimate benefit of obeying God?
6. Read 1 Chronicles 28:9. What is your reaction to knowing that God “searches every heart and understands the intention of every thought”? How should this draw us closer to God instead of farther away? What does it mean to “serve him wholeheartedly and with a willing mind”?
7. Read John 17:3. Describe the difference between knowing Jesus and knowing about Jesus.
8. Read Romans 12:11. How do we serve God?
9. Read 1 Chronicles 28:9…again. Remembering that God promises to never leave or forsake us, discuss the meaning of “if you abandon him, he will reject you forever.” What does someone experience when they abandon God?
10. Read 1 Chronicles 28:10. Knowing that God has a purpose and a plan for all of His children, how does this verse speak directly to you? What is the command found in this passage?
11. In what ways can you discern if God is leading you or has chosen you to do a specific work to glorify Him? Why is this an important step in the process?
12. Read 1 Chronicles 29:10-11. While speaking to God, what reminders does David provide to those who are also listening?
13. Read 1 Chronicles 29:12-13. Everything that we have belongs to God. Discuss what it means to understand and acknowledge this truth.
14. Read Acts 13:36-37. How does David legacy point towards a greater legacy in Jesus? What steps do you plan to take to make your legacy do the same?
Live It Out:
What do you want your legacy to be? What are the lessons, the stories, the expressions of love that you want to pass on? God has a purpose for you in your own generation. Legacy is not just about tomorrow; it’s the choices you make today.
As you consider your legacy, remember to:
1. Know God deeply. Knowing Jesus and knowing about Jesus are two different things. Focus on a deep relationship with God. Spend time with Him regularly.
2. Serve God willingly. Serve God out of gratitude for how He has served you. Be devoted to Him. Serve Him by serving others.
3. Seek God wholeheartedly. Is Jesus part of your life…or is Jesus your life? How can you be a faithful servant of Jesus in every realm of your life?
4. Pass your faith onto the next generation. An inheritance is when we leave something for others. A legacy is when we leave something in others. What legacy do you want to leave in others?
1. What does the word “legacy” bring to mind? When do you consider a legacy taking place?
2. Can a legacy be associated with negative outcomes just as much as positive ones? Provide details to your answer.
3. What does our world focus on regarding a legacy?
4. Read 1 Chronicles 28:8. What is the significance of saying this “in the sight of all Israel, the assembly of the Lord, and in the hearing of our God”?
5. Why does David want Solomon “to observe and follow all of the commands of the Lord your God"? Read Psalm 119:9-16, a psalm David wrote. What do God’s commands provide for us? What is the ultimate benefit of obeying God?
6. Read 1 Chronicles 28:9. What is your reaction to knowing that God “searches every heart and understands the intention of every thought”? How should this draw us closer to God instead of farther away? What does it mean to “serve him wholeheartedly and with a willing mind”?
7. Read John 17:3. Describe the difference between knowing Jesus and knowing about Jesus.
8. Read Romans 12:11. How do we serve God?
9. Read 1 Chronicles 28:9…again. Remembering that God promises to never leave or forsake us, discuss the meaning of “if you abandon him, he will reject you forever.” What does someone experience when they abandon God?
10. Read 1 Chronicles 28:10. Knowing that God has a purpose and a plan for all of His children, how does this verse speak directly to you? What is the command found in this passage?
11. In what ways can you discern if God is leading you or has chosen you to do a specific work to glorify Him? Why is this an important step in the process?
12. Read 1 Chronicles 29:10-11. While speaking to God, what reminders does David provide to those who are also listening?
13. Read 1 Chronicles 29:12-13. Everything that we have belongs to God. Discuss what it means to understand and acknowledge this truth.
14. Read Acts 13:36-37. How does David legacy point towards a greater legacy in Jesus? What steps do you plan to take to make your legacy do the same?
Live It Out:
What do you want your legacy to be? What are the lessons, the stories, the expressions of love that you want to pass on? God has a purpose for you in your own generation. Legacy is not just about tomorrow; it’s the choices you make today.
As you consider your legacy, remember to:
1. Know God deeply. Knowing Jesus and knowing about Jesus are two different things. Focus on a deep relationship with God. Spend time with Him regularly.
2. Serve God willingly. Serve God out of gratitude for how He has served you. Be devoted to Him. Serve Him by serving others.
3. Seek God wholeheartedly. Is Jesus part of your life…or is Jesus your life? How can you be a faithful servant of Jesus in every realm of your life?
4. Pass your faith onto the next generation. An inheritance is when we leave something for others. A legacy is when we leave something in others. What legacy do you want to leave in others?
Reading Plan:
Monday: 1 Chronicles 28:1-10
Tuesday: 1 Chronicles 28:11-20
Wednesday: 1 Chronicles 29:1-15
Thursday: 1 Chronicles 29:16-30
Friday: Acts 13:34-39
Saturday: John 17:3, Romans 12:11, Jeremiah 29:13
Monday: 1 Chronicles 28:1-10
Tuesday: 1 Chronicles 28:11-20
Wednesday: 1 Chronicles 29:1-15
Thursday: 1 Chronicles 29:16-30
Friday: Acts 13:34-39
Saturday: John 17:3, Romans 12:11, Jeremiah 29:13