First UMC

Downtown Worship, March 24, 2024
His Will and Our Presence
Locations & Times
First United Methodist Church of Lexington - Downtown
200 W High St, Lexington, KY 40507, USA
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
We are meaning making people.We naturally ask the question, “What does it mean?” We interpret our surroundings, events, and everything else as naturally as we breathe in and breathe out. Right this minute you are already interpreting where this sermon is going. It impacts every aspect of our life. Including our faith.
Jesus rides into Jerusalem a few days before the Passover festival. People were faced with a question, “What does this mean?”
1. Great crowd, 2. Religious leadership, 3) Disciples all had different interpretations of what was happening. How could they be at the same event and see it so differently?
Here are important things to consider as we interpret life.
A. How we were raised matters.
B. The way we are wired matters.
C. Any trauma in our life matters.
D. God works in mysterious ways.
E. Without God, we cannot. Without us, he will not.
F. Life is lived forward but understood backward.
The design of God’s providential dispensations, is seldom understood at first. We ought therefore to believe, though we understand not, and to give ourselves up to the divine disposal. The great work of faith is, to embrace those things which we know not now, but shall know hereafter. - John Wesley
Jesus rides into Jerusalem a few days before the Passover festival. People were faced with a question, “What does this mean?”
1. Great crowd, 2. Religious leadership, 3) Disciples all had different interpretations of what was happening. How could they be at the same event and see it so differently?
Here are important things to consider as we interpret life.
A. How we were raised matters.
B. The way we are wired matters.
C. Any trauma in our life matters.
D. God works in mysterious ways.
E. Without God, we cannot. Without us, he will not.
F. Life is lived forward but understood backward.
The design of God’s providential dispensations, is seldom understood at first. We ought therefore to believe, though we understand not, and to give ourselves up to the divine disposal. The great work of faith is, to embrace those things which we know not now, but shall know hereafter. - John Wesley
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