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Purpose House Church

The Valley Belongs to God - Pastor Jason McKinnies | March 17, 2024

The Valley Belongs to God - Pastor Jason McKinnies | March 17, 2024

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Purpose House Church

124 Lou Ann Dr, Herrin, IL 62948, USA

Sunday 6:00 AM

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The Psalmist wrote this verse in a land that has a distinctive and unique landscape.
Across the place called Israel there are four main geographic regions.

1.) Coastal Plains (Status Quo)
2.) Central Highlands (Victory)
3.) Jordan Rift Valley (Valley)
4.) The Desert of Negev (Dry Places)

As you peruse through the Old testament you will find numerous mountains and valleys who's name aptly demonstrates the events that occurred in or on them. Namely the trouble, the fight, the calamity that the people of God went through to possess the land.

The Valley of Achor - Trouble and Calamity - Joshua 7:24
The Valley of Hinnom - lamentation - Joshua 15:8
Valley of Rephaim - giants - Joshua 15:8
Valley of Baca - weeping - Psalm 84:6
Valley of Slaughter - Jeremiah 7:32
Valley of Dead Bodies - Jeremiah 31:40
Valley of Jehoshaphat - judgement - Joel 3:2
Valley of Decision - Joel 3:14
YOU need to remind your enemy that the Valley doesn't belong to him, instead that Valley belongs to God.

The enemy has over the span of time tried to convince the people of God and others that the valley belongs to him.
See this statement was made because earlier, God had brought about a great and mighty victory on the top of Mt. Carmel. So naturally, you wouldn't want to fight in the arena that you just were beaten in. So what do you do, you begin to tell the story that it was the location that caused you to be defeated.

You see their gods are only gods of the hills. Therefore they were stronger, but only stronger because of the location of the battle. only stronger because we were not on the right plain, or the right circumstance, or the right day, or night. But if we fight them, and their God in a different circumstance then we can win. So the enemy wanted to take the fight to another realm. The Valley. The enemy wanted to take the fight into the plain. For there surely in that plain, in that Valley we will be stronger than they.

You see in the valley, the enemies believed that he was stronger than you in the valley, he believed that he was stronger than God in the Valley.

Can I tell you that he was mistaken then and He’s mistaken now? He wasn't stronger then and he’s not stronger now.

They believed that they were defeated by Jehovah because He was the God of the hills, if they could just move the battle from the mountain top to the valley, everything would be different.

Now this isn't a new plan, if you remember, the enemy only has three plans. So this wasn't a new plan. This is the same plan that he tried with Job. Because the Syrians had said that the God of Israel was God only of the mountains. Satan said the same thing when he accused Job of only serving God because God had blessed him (Job 1:9, 10). And he says the same thing today. Those folks at Purpose House are happy as long as their spirits are high. Sure, they can sing and clap and enjoy the Lord as long as they’re on the mountaintop. But put them in the valley and, once things don’t go well at home or at work or with their finances, they’ll be defeated and discouraged just like anyone else.”

He was wrong about Job and He is wrong about you, my friends, we know in whom we have believed in and we are persuaded that there is nothing that can separate us from the Love of God. That whether we find ourselves on the mountain top or we find ourselves in the valley, we know that our God is with us, on the mountain top and we know that if we find ourselves in a Valley, we will stand with this understanding - that the Valley as well as the mountain top and all that lies between, belongs to God.

Our God is not just the God of the mountain top, He is the God of the Valley.

In our text the Syrians discovered this truth, that Our God isn't just a victorious God on the mountain tops, but He is just as powerful and victorious in the Valley.
I love this about the Lord, you said I cannot, therefore I will deliver you out. (they killed 100,000 men in battle, and those that fled - a wall fell and killed 27,000)

Maybe you find yourself coming upon a valley or you find yourself in a Valley.

Can I remind you of another young man that happened upon a valley.

David was just minding His father’s business,

There we find two opposing armies - arrayed across two opposing mountain ranges, and they are fixed in a battle, and the battle would happen to be in the Valley, and whoever won that battle according to Goliath, would reign supreme, and whoever lost would be enslaved to the victor.

Goliath railed and railed, hurled accusation after accusation, demand after demand, and the people of God hunkered down thinking that the Valley belonged to Goliath.

But the Word said in 1 Samuel 17:1 that the Valley belonged to Judah. That is what God had said.

Oh, Goliath, you just didn't know that you didn't own that valley, you weren't the power in that valley, it didn't matter how big you appeared, it didn't matter how many weapons you came with. That Valley Belonged to God.

Can I tell you that there was another battle, it happened at the Hill of Calvary, overlooking the valleys of Israel!

The Enemies hurled their insults, scoffed, at the carpenter who'd come to war for the people, who’d been hunkered down out of fear.

The weapon that the enemy came with that day was the cross, crucifixion, death, hell, and the grave.

But when it was over the Valley of Death Belonged to God. They reversed it instead of attacking him in the valley they took him to the hill -

And the blood that was shed, flowed from the Hill of Calvary into the valleys that you find yourself in, and you no longer have to be hunkered down, instead you’re in a Valley that Belongs to God. Step out of the shadows, and fight the good fight of faith.

Whatever Valley you find yourself in, you need to know that the Valley Belongs to God.

Most of Life is lived in the valley, the majesty of a mountain is awe inspiring but does not make for a very comfortable way of life.

There are not cities and infrastructure built on the peaks of mountains, it is too hard to maintain, cultivate the land, bring irrigation into plants, even trees cannot survive on high up mountains, The valley is where the sustenance is, the valley is where growth happens, the valley is where crops are planted, the valley is the place that life happens. We have encompassed this mountain long enough.

The mountain is the distraction; we are fighting the wrong fight.

Stop fighting over a mountain that offers no life, no sustenance, no growth, no water, no food, and no population. The fight is in the valley!

We have been fighting over a mountain when we should be fighting in the valley! We climb up the mountain to declare war on the enemy – all the while are fighting strength is sapped in the climb!

When an Army gets tired it begins to fight among them, argue, distrust one another, separate into cliques, it begins to make careless mistakes that cost good soldiers their lives! Fighting over ground that won’t matter a hill beans when it comes to eternity! But the valley that’s a different story!

We must have a victory in our valley!

When you step out into the valley to wage a war, your weapons will not look they are a match against the weapons that are opposing you.

Goliath stepped out into that valley with a sword and spear

David came out with a sling.

Goliath though was standing in his own strength

David was standing the strength of Almighty God!