First Baptist East

Life from a Christian Perspective - Doug Passmore - March 17, 2024
Sunday morning teaching time.
Locations & Times
First Baptist East Church
3302 SE Lee Blvd, Lawton, OK 73501, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
Welcome to First Baptist East!
Life From A Christian Perspective
I. Godly speech
I. Godly speech
Life From A Christian Perspective
I. Godly speech
II. Planning ahead
I. Godly speech
II. Planning ahead
Planning Ahead
1. Complexity of life
1. Complexity of life
Planning Ahead
1. Complexity of life
2. Uncertainty of life
1. Complexity of life
2. Uncertainty of life
Planning Ahead
1. Complexity of life
2. Uncertainty of life
3. Brevity of life
1. Complexity of life
2. Uncertainty of life
3. Brevity of life
Planning Ahead
1. Complexity of life
2. Uncertainty of life
3. Brevity of life
4. Frailty of life
1. Complexity of life
2. Uncertainty of life
3. Brevity of life
4. Frailty of life

1. Baptism, upon your profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
2. By Letter
3. By Statement
4. By Watchcare
If you have a question about joining our fellowship, call the church
office at 355-6190.
CD’s or DVD’s of each service are available by filling out one of the envelopes in the pocket of the pew chairs. Place the envelope in the offering plate and the ordered item will be mailed.
1. Baptism, upon your profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
2. By Letter
3. By Statement
4. By Watchcare
If you have a question about joining our fellowship, call the church
office at 355-6190.
CD’s or DVD’s of each service are available by filling out one of the envelopes in the pocket of the pew chairs. Place the envelope in the offering plate and the ordered item will be mailed.