North Main Street Church of God

Law and Grace
1201 North Main Street Ext. Butler, PA 16001 03/17/2023
Locations & Times
North Main Street Church of God
1201 N Main St Ext, Butler, PA 16001, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
Sunday Morning
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Know Christ intimately,
Grow in Christ continually, and
Go for Christ daily
Know Christ intimately,
Grow in Christ continually, and
Go for Christ daily
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Maundy Thursday will be the Seder and Footwashing service, the day before easter we will have a family event in the Life Center called Jesus in 5 letters, and Easter Sunday will also be our next Baptism service. Please sign up online or at the Welcome Center.
We thank you for your faithful gifts. You can give online and, of course, on Sundays by using the secure drop boxes located outside the doors of the Sanctuary. THANK YOU FOR YOUR FAITHFULNESS.
Law and Grace
(Romans 5:20-6:4)
Yearly Theme: “Goodness is… Grace”
Series Title: “Course Correction: How Jesus Sets Things Right”
March 17th, 2024
(Romans 5:20-6:4)
Yearly Theme: “Goodness is… Grace”
Series Title: “Course Correction: How Jesus Sets Things Right”
March 17th, 2024
Something to think about:
GRACE – χάρις (charis). n. fem. grace, good will, favor. Conveys the sense of a gift of kindness and favor given to a person or persons.
This noun is related to the verb χαρίζομαι (charizomai), which conveys the general concept of giving generously or forgiving a debt or a wrong. The noun charis can identify charm or the quality of being delightful in the eyes of others (e.g., Luke 1:52). At times it describes an act that is characterized as kind or generous (e.g., 2 Cor 8:6, 19). Sometimes this term highlights the undeserved nature of the gift of salvation, given not because of the righteousness of the recipient but because of God’s gracious kindness in Christ (e.g., Eph 2:8). The blessing of salvation is given freely.[1]
In our passage for discussion today, we will be exploring GOD’s wonderful gift of grace as contrasted with our (human’s) sinful state. Grace is how a person is “let off the hook” (so to speak) for things they have done or committed against another, be it GOD or neighbor. It’s the extension of GOD’s unmerited favor upon humanity even in the face of the atrocities of sin and death. No matter the amount or extent of the sins of humanity, GOD’s grace abounds all the more. But there is one great condition: A person must willingly receive this grace and leave a life of sin. Let’s take a closer look this morning:
[1] Mathews, Joshua G. 2014. “Blessing.” In Lexham Theological Wordbook, edited by Douglas Mangum, Derek R. Brown, Rachel Klippenstein, and Rebekah Hurst. Lexham Bible Reference Series. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press.
GRACE – χάρις (charis). n. fem. grace, good will, favor. Conveys the sense of a gift of kindness and favor given to a person or persons.
This noun is related to the verb χαρίζομαι (charizomai), which conveys the general concept of giving generously or forgiving a debt or a wrong. The noun charis can identify charm or the quality of being delightful in the eyes of others (e.g., Luke 1:52). At times it describes an act that is characterized as kind or generous (e.g., 2 Cor 8:6, 19). Sometimes this term highlights the undeserved nature of the gift of salvation, given not because of the righteousness of the recipient but because of God’s gracious kindness in Christ (e.g., Eph 2:8). The blessing of salvation is given freely.[1]
In our passage for discussion today, we will be exploring GOD’s wonderful gift of grace as contrasted with our (human’s) sinful state. Grace is how a person is “let off the hook” (so to speak) for things they have done or committed against another, be it GOD or neighbor. It’s the extension of GOD’s unmerited favor upon humanity even in the face of the atrocities of sin and death. No matter the amount or extent of the sins of humanity, GOD’s grace abounds all the more. But there is one great condition: A person must willingly receive this grace and leave a life of sin. Let’s take a closer look this morning:
[1] Mathews, Joshua G. 2014. “Blessing.” In Lexham Theological Wordbook, edited by Douglas Mangum, Derek R. Brown, Rachel Klippenstein, and Rebekah Hurst. Lexham Bible Reference Series. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press.
Here’s the point…
Key Point: “GOD’s Law only points out what is wrong, the grace of GOD through Christ sets people right.”
Key Point: “GOD’s Law only points out what is wrong, the grace of GOD through Christ sets people right.”
· The ___ puts a magnifying glass on ___.
Romans 5:20a (NLT), God’s law was given so that all people could see how sinful they were.
Romans 5:20a (NLT), God’s law was given so that all people could see how sinful they were.
· _____ is the remedy for ___.
Romans 5:20b-21 (NLT), But as people sinned more and more, God’s wonderful grace became more abundant. 21 So just as sin ruled over all people and brought them to death, now God’s wonderful grace rules instead, giving us right standing with God and resulting in eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Romans 5:20b-21 (NLT), But as people sinned more and more, God’s wonderful grace became more abundant. 21 So just as sin ruled over all people and brought them to death, now God’s wonderful grace rules instead, giving us right standing with God and resulting in eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
· _____ to sin makes us _____ in Christ.
Romans 6:2-4 (NLT), Since we have died to sin, how can we continue to live in it? 3 Or have you forgotten that when we were joined with Christ Jesus in baptism, we joined him in his death? 4 For we died and were buried with Christ by baptism. And just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the Father, now we also may live new lives.
Romans 6:2-4 (NLT), Since we have died to sin, how can we continue to live in it? 3 Or have you forgotten that when we were joined with Christ Jesus in baptism, we joined him in his death? 4 For we died and were buried with Christ by baptism. And just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the Father, now we also may live new lives.
Something to take home:
According to Timothy George, in his book Amazing Grace: God’s Pursuit, Our Response,
“The study of God’s grace is like staring into the sun on a bright cloudless day. That is a dangerous thing to do. Our eyes can be damaged, even blinded, by such unobstructed vision. Yet only by means of the sun can we see anything at all—the blue sky, beautiful flowers, mountains, meadows, all of God’s multicolored creation. Only a stupid person would decide to live his whole life inside a bunker beneath the ground for fear of walking outside in the sunshine. And so with God’s grace, we must not peer too directly into matters God has not revealed so clearly, lest our spiritual vision be blurred. But we must never forget that only by God’s grace can we see anything at all.”[1]
Grace may be somewhat inconceivable in light of the condition of the world. However, when we see the effects of sin and its beauty through the reflection of Christ, there is compelling evidence to believe that anyone can truly be set free from the awful burden of sin and death no matter how deep their wounds and scars. It is only by willingly receiving GOD’s gift of grace by surrendering our lives to Christ that we can truly understand what a humbling gift this truly is.
Key Point: “GOD’s Law only points out what is wrong, the grace of GOD through Christ sets people right.”
[1] Timothy George, Amazing Grace (Second Edition): God's Pursuit, Our Response.
According to Timothy George, in his book Amazing Grace: God’s Pursuit, Our Response,
“The study of God’s grace is like staring into the sun on a bright cloudless day. That is a dangerous thing to do. Our eyes can be damaged, even blinded, by such unobstructed vision. Yet only by means of the sun can we see anything at all—the blue sky, beautiful flowers, mountains, meadows, all of God’s multicolored creation. Only a stupid person would decide to live his whole life inside a bunker beneath the ground for fear of walking outside in the sunshine. And so with God’s grace, we must not peer too directly into matters God has not revealed so clearly, lest our spiritual vision be blurred. But we must never forget that only by God’s grace can we see anything at all.”[1]
Grace may be somewhat inconceivable in light of the condition of the world. However, when we see the effects of sin and its beauty through the reflection of Christ, there is compelling evidence to believe that anyone can truly be set free from the awful burden of sin and death no matter how deep their wounds and scars. It is only by willingly receiving GOD’s gift of grace by surrendering our lives to Christ that we can truly understand what a humbling gift this truly is.
Key Point: “GOD’s Law only points out what is wrong, the grace of GOD through Christ sets people right.”
[1] Timothy George, Amazing Grace (Second Edition): God's Pursuit, Our Response.

Why does Adam’s sin affect us today?
From these verses in what ways are Adam and Christ similar?
From these verses in what ways are Adam and Jesus different?
How does Paul describe God’s grace towards those who are trusting Jesus?
What purpose does the Law serve?
Is it realistic to have glory in my sufferings?
How has God’s love changed my heart?
Was there a time in my life when I was an enemy of God?
Do I believe that everyone is counted guilty because Adam sinned?
Do I believe that I can be counted righteous because of Christ?
From these verses in what ways are Adam and Christ similar?
From these verses in what ways are Adam and Jesus different?
How does Paul describe God’s grace towards those who are trusting Jesus?
What purpose does the Law serve?
Is it realistic to have glory in my sufferings?
How has God’s love changed my heart?
Was there a time in my life when I was an enemy of God?
Do I believe that everyone is counted guilty because Adam sinned?
Do I believe that I can be counted righteous because of Christ?

Past Sermons
To view past sermons, please visit our website below. Us
If you would like to update your information or have a prayer request, please fill out the link below. Main Street Church of God
1201 North Main Street Ext.Butler, PA 16001
(724) 285-4214
We thank you for your faithful gifts. You can give online at NORTHMAINCOG.ORG/GIVE, text "give" to (724) 313-2211, and, of course, on Sundays by using the secure drop boxes located outside the doors of the Sanctuary. THANK YOU FOR YOUR FAITHFULNESS. HOURS
Monday - Thursday
9:00am - 4:00pm
Monday - Thursday
9:00am - 4:00pm