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Momentum Church



Contrast, Part 4 | Pastor Ross Wiseman

Locations & Times

Momentum Church

659 Arnold Mill Rd, Woodstock, GA 30188, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:45 AM

It is the revelation of God’s righteousness that stands in contrast to the darkness of man’s sin.

No greater love hath a man than to lay His life down for another.

The Gospel is the ultimate message of God’s love.
It is the revelation of God’s righteousness that stands in contrast to the darkness of man’s sin.

No greater love hath a man than to lay His life down for another.

The Gospel is the ultimate message of God’s love.
“Revealed‌ from‌ heaven”‌ means‌ that‌ His‌ wrath‌ is‌ coming‌ from‌ a‌ place‌ of‌ perfection.‌‌

It isn’t God’s hate that stands against sin, it’s God’s love.

Wrath from a human perspective is usually rooted in anger or the desire for revenge.

The wrath of God‌ revealed‌from heaven comes from a very different place.

The Wrath of God comes from a place of love

God is for you He’s not against you.

God has always made a way for His creation to be able to see who He is if they will look for Him.
In Theology this category of the Revelation of God is called “General Revelation”

General‌ Revelation:‌ The‌ revelation‌ of‌ God‌ that‌ is‌ made‌ to‌ all‌ men‌ everywhere.‌

The‌ revelation‌ of‌ God‌ that‌ can‌ be‌ discovered‌ through‌ natural‌ means,‌ such‌ as‌ observation‌ of‌ nature,‌ philosophy,‌ and‌ reasoning.‌
#1 Creation

Romans 1:19 (ESV)
19 For‌ what‌ can‌ be‌ known‌ about‌ God‌ is‌ plain‌ to‌ them,‌ because‌ God‌ has‌ shown‌ it‌ to them.‌

Creation‌ reveals‌ God's‌ existence‌ by‌ revealing‌ to‌ all‌ men‌ a‌ Creator‌ that‌ possesses‌‌ knowledge,‌ wisdom,‌ power,‌ order‌&‌greatness.
Romans 1:18-20 (ESV)

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteous-ness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. 19 For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. 20 For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse."

The Revelation of God is so good it is literally imprinted upon the hearts of all man giving everyone an opportunity to connect with their creator.
#2 Providence
‌Defined: Divine‌ guidance‌ or‌ care.
‌God‌ not‌ only‌ made‌ the‌ world,‌ God‌ continues‌ to‌ rule‌ over‌ it.

Deism‌ which‌ says‌ that‌ God‌ is‌ removed‌ from‌ creation‌ and‌ is‌ no‌ longer‌ involved.

Christianity‌ says‌ that‌ God‌ is‌ both‌ sovereign‌ over‌ creation‌ and‌ He is‌ at‌ work‌ in‌ creation‌ through‌ providence.

Acts 14:17‌ "God‌ did‌ not‌ leave‌ himself‌ without‌ witness,‌ for‌ he‌ did‌ good‌ by‌ giving‌ you‌ rains‌ from‌ heaven‌ and‌ fruitful‌ seasons‌ satisfying‌ your‌ hearts‌ with‌ food‌ and‌ gladness.
#3 Conscience

Conscience:‌ an‌ internal‌ witness‌ that‌ reveals‌ to‌ us‌ something‌ of‌ the‌ goodness,‌ the‌ holiness, and‌ the‌ justice‌ of‌ God.‌

Romans 2:14–15 (ESV)
For‌ when‌ Gentiles,‌ who‌ do‌ not‌ have‌ the‌ law,‌ by‌ nature‌ do‌ what‌ the‌ law‌ requires,‌ they‌ are‌ a law‌ to‌ themselves ,‌ even‌ though‌ they‌ do‌ not‌ have‌ the‌ law.‌They‌ show‌ that‌ the‌ work‌ of‌ the‌ law‌ is‌ written‌ on‌ their‌ hearts,‌ while‌ their‌ conscience‌ also‌ bears‌ witness,‌and‌ their‌ conflicting thoughts‌ accuse‌ or‌ even‌ excuse‌ them

One‌ of‌ the‌ arguments‌ for‌ the‌ existence‌ of‌ God‌ is‌ based‌ on‌ the‌ moral‌ sense‌ in‌ humans.

That's‌ why‌ even‌ non-Christians‌ will‌ appeal‌ to‌ conscience.‌

They'll‌ appeal‌ to‌ some‌ universal‌ law

Universal‌ law:‌ We‌ just‌ know‌ certain‌ things‌ are‌ right‌ and‌ certain‌ things‌ are‌ wrong.‌

Why‌ do‌ we‌ know? Because‌ we‌ are‌ created‌ by‌ one‌ who‌ is‌ Holy,‌ Good‌ &‌ Just.‌

It is within man’s heart to be in control.

Rather than the creation serving the Creator, left to our own agendas we envisage a Creator that serves the whims and desires of His creation.
Envisage: Conceive or Imagine.

God gave them up to their own decisions and the fruit of those decisions.
God took His hands off and let their willful rejection of Him as Creator & Lord produce it’s ugly results.
What or Whom you worship matters?
Worshipping our whims & desires will always lead us away from the best that God has for us.
How dark can our hearts get when the focus of our worship is directed away from our Creator towards things created or things we desire?

God created you. He’s a good Father and He is for you He’s not against you.
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