Church of the Nazarene - Harrisonburg

The Untold Jesus Stories- The Rich Fish
From the coin to the cross, God always provides.
Locations & Times
Church of the Nazarene - Harrisonburg
1871 Boyers Rd, Harrisonburg, VA 22801, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
Today we begin a new teaching series called “The Untold Jesus Stories.”
Throughout this series we will be looking into stories that are not, literally “untold,” but some of the lesser known or lesser understood accounts that we find in the gospels.
This series will simply focus on some stories that perhaps we haven’t paused to consider very often before.
Our “untold” or lesser-known story today is found in Matthew 17:24-27.
Throughout this series we will be looking into stories that are not, literally “untold,” but some of the lesser known or lesser understood accounts that we find in the gospels.
This series will simply focus on some stories that perhaps we haven’t paused to consider very often before.
Our “untold” or lesser-known story today is found in Matthew 17:24-27.
What in the world is the 'temple tax'?
At the annual census, every Jewish male over the age of 20 was instructed to give a 2 drachma offering in order to support the temple.
Jesus is making a very practical point here. If the temple tax is to support the temple, and the temple represented God's house, then Jesus reminds Peter that He himself has no obligation to pay the tax. Thus Jesus says, “the children are exempt.”
Jesus wants to make it clear to Peter that He doesn't have to do this.
"But so that we may not cause offense"
Jesus responds not because he has to, but because his heart is to not cause offense.
At the annual census, every Jewish male over the age of 20 was instructed to give a 2 drachma offering in order to support the temple.
Jesus is making a very practical point here. If the temple tax is to support the temple, and the temple represented God's house, then Jesus reminds Peter that He himself has no obligation to pay the tax. Thus Jesus says, “the children are exempt.”
Jesus wants to make it clear to Peter that He doesn't have to do this.
"But so that we may not cause offense"
Jesus responds not because he has to, but because his heart is to not cause offense.
“Of course Jesus didn’t have to pay the Temple Tax – He didn’t have to do anything but the will of His father. But he paid it anyway, being sure to pay it in a way that made clear that He was indeed the Son of God.”
-Jesus Bible
-Jesus Bible
Throughout this series, we will seek to ask, “what does this story mean to us today?”
In order to understand the specific meaning of this story, we have to go back to the purpose of the ‘temple tax’ in the Old Testament.
In order to understand the specific meaning of this story, we have to go back to the purpose of the ‘temple tax’ in the Old Testament.
This idea of a ‘tax’ was originally instituted as a reminder to the people of the atonement for their lives.
God had rescued them from slavery and offered them redemption and hope. Every year, when they gave this specific money, it was a reminder of atonement.
God had rescued them from slavery and offered them redemption and hope. Every year, when they gave this specific money, it was a reminder of atonement.
Back in Matthew 17, we can consider the implications of what Jesus is saying in a new light: “‘the children are exempt”.
There is a remarkable foreshadowing occurring as He makes that statement and then pays the tax, yes the amount that is owed for him, but also that which Peter owes.
Jesus pays the ransom for Peter here, quite literally. And so too there is a moment coming in the very near future when Jesus would pay the ultimate ransom for all.
There is a remarkable foreshadowing occurring as He makes that statement and then pays the tax, yes the amount that is owed for him, but also that which Peter owes.
Jesus pays the ransom for Peter here, quite literally. And so too there is a moment coming in the very near future when Jesus would pay the ultimate ransom for all.
Do you believe that God always provides?
The Bottom Line:
From the coin to the cross, God always provides.
From the coin to the cross, God always provides.
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