Parkerville Baptist Church

Encounters With Jesus - Mark 5
This Sunday, we have guest speaker Rachel Philps. Rachel is the coordinator of The Village, one of our Gateway ministries. The Village provides a space for women to connect with other mums in their community, exploring and sharing their journey of motherhood. With talks on topics relevant to motherhood, small group discussions and plenty of time for casual conversations, Rachel and her team do an exceptional job overseeing this ministry. Rachel will continue our series of Encounters with Jesus and will unpack the empowering encounter of the Bleeding Lady in Mark 5. Don't miss it!
Locations & Times
Parkerville Baptist Church
910 Seaborne St, Parkerville WA 6081, Australia
Sunday 9:30 AM
About Parkerville Baptist Church
Why we exist …
Love God, love others, make disciples … that’s the commission Jesus left his followers.
At Parky, it’s our mission to do this by sharing our lives and creating pathways that inspire people to wholeheartedly follow Jesus.
Visit to learn more about our church.
Love God, love others, make disciples … that’s the commission Jesus left his followers.
At Parky, it’s our mission to do this by sharing our lives and creating pathways that inspire people to wholeheartedly follow Jesus.
Visit to learn more about our church.

“The Chosen” scene

Online giving
We’re reliant on the giving of those committed to our community to fulfill our mission of helping people become wholehearted followers of Jesus, and we’re deeply grateful for your participation. GiveWay is a convenient, secure way to give your tithings/offerings/fees to Parkerville Baptist Church. Payments are anonymous and can be given by direct deposit or Visa/MasterCard. Recurring payments can be made or a one-off payment.