Parkerville Baptist Church

Encounters With Jesus - Mark 9:14-29
This Sunday Anthony will be continuing our series Encounters with Jesus. All welcome! Anthony says: "Over the past four weeks, we have looked at encounters that people had with Jesus in the gospels. It has been amazing to see how Jesus reacts and responds in these encounters; my prayer inside this series is that we, too, would have encounters with Jesus in the here and now! One of the things I have noticed when looking at these encounters with Jesus, is that Jesus has the Authority and the Power to act in different situations and circumstances: Where there is chaos – Jesus brings order. Where there is oppression – Jesus brings freedom. Where there is brokenness – Jesus brings restoration. Where there is anxiety – Jesus brings peace. Where there is sickness – Jesus brings health. Where there is darkness – Jesus brings light. Where there is death – Jesus brings life. Sunday, we will see that Jesus has Authority and Power in an area that we don't often think about and possibly don't experience. It's an area that people have different understandings, experiences and feelings about. See you Sunday !!!"
Locations & Times
Parkerville Baptist Church
910 Seaborne St, Parkerville WA 6081, Australia
Sunday 9:30 AM
About Parkerville Baptist Church
Love God, love others, make disciples … that’s the commission Jesus left his followers.
At Parky, it’s our mission to do this by sharing our lives and creating pathways that inspire people to wholeheartedly follow Jesus.
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We have fallen into the temptation of separating ministry from spirituality, service from prayer. Our demons say: “We are too busy to pray, we have too many needs to attend to, too many people to respond to, too many wounds to heal.” Prayer is a luxury, something to do during a free hour, a day away from work or on a retreat.
I bless thee that the issue of the battle
between thyself and Satan
has never been uncertain,
and will end in victory.
Calvary broke the dragon’s head,
and I contend with a vanquished foe,
who with all his subtlety and strength
has already been overcome.
When I feel the serpent at my heel
may I remember him whose heel was bruised,
but who, when bruised, broke the devil’s head.
My soul with inward joy extols
the mighty conqueror.
Heal me of any wounds received
in the great conflict;
if I have gathered defilement,
if my faith has suffered damage,
if my hope if less than bright,
if my love is not fervent,
if some creature-comfort occupies my heart,
if my soul sinks under pressure of the fight.
O thou whose every promise is balm,
every touch life,
draw near to thy weary warrior,
refresh me, that I may rise again
to wage the strife,
and never tire until my enemy is trodden down.
Give me such fellowship with thee
that I may defy Satan,
unbelief, the flesh, the world,
with delight that comes not from a creature,
and which a creature cannot mar.
Give me a draught of the eternal fountain
that lieth in thy immutable, everlasting love and decree.
Then shall my hand never weaken,
my feet never stumble,
my sword never rest,
my shield never rust,
my helmet never shatter,
my breastplate never fall,
as my strength rests in the power of thy might.