New Life Church

Doubting God: P2 - Pastor Tim
Part 2: Can God Use Someone Like Me? .
Locations & Times
New Life Assembly of God
15 Swart Ln, Saugerties, NY 12477, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
Can God Use Someone Like Me?
Greek poiema - workmanship; a creation with a designated purpose; masterpiece (poem; poetry)
1. God uses the UNLIKELY
God loves to use those who have been overlooked. He specializes in using the unlikely to do the impossible.
2. God uses the INSECURE
If God doesn’t want to use you, why is the devil fighting so hard against you!
3. God uses FAILURES
God uses people who fail because there isn’t any other kind!
- Read Ephesians 2:10. What would look different in your life if you lived like this verse was true of you?
- How often do you doubt yourself and your abilities? What truths about God do you need to remember when you’re having doubts about yourself?
- Talk about an insecurity or failure that you’ve struggled with. In what ways could God use that experience for His glory?
- Read Ephesians 2:10. What would look different in your life if you lived like this verse was true of you?
- How often do you doubt yourself and your abilities? What truths about God do you need to remember when you’re having doubts about yourself?
- Talk about an insecurity or failure that you’ve struggled with. In what ways could God use that experience for His glory?
Upcoming and Weekly Events
Sunday Service @ 10 AM. Nursery for children up to age 4 on weeks 2,3 & 4; KidZone for ages 5-11.
Girl’s Ministry for grades K-6 on Wednesday @ 5:30 Pm.
Finish Line Youth for ages 12-12th grade Wednesdays @ 7 PM!
Easter Service March 31st @ 10 AM. He’s alive! Come celebrate with us!
Teen Girls Retreat April 13, 10 AM to 2 PM. See Sharee for more info!
Girl’s Ministry for grades K-6 on Wednesday @ 5:30 Pm.
Finish Line Youth for ages 12-12th grade Wednesdays @ 7 PM!
Easter Service March 31st @ 10 AM. He’s alive! Come celebrate with us!
Teen Girls Retreat April 13, 10 AM to 2 PM. See Sharee for more info!
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