Chapel Hill Church of Christ

Morning Worship
Locations & Times
Chapel Hill Church of Christ
1050 Chapel Hill Rd, White Bluff, TN 37187, USA
Sunday 8:00 AM

(2023) Dads with kids under 18 in their household spend, on average, 1.02 hours caring for and helping them per day.
(2023) Dads with kids under 18 in their household spend, on average, 1.02 hours caring for and helping them per day.

1. Time is Precious
a. 73.5 years for males
b. 79.3 years for females
a. 73.5 years for males
b. 79.3 years for females
2. Time Should Be Purposeful
A “life purpose” is not something you do or something you have. Rather, what you “do” is an expression of your life purpose. Having a life purpose guides all your choices and shapes the direction of your life. It is your unique GPS. It is the compelling reason to be who you authentically are.
3. Time Must Be Prioritized
4. Time Should Be Pleasurable