Northland Church

Empowered: The Gospel and Salvation
A message from Senior Pastor Josh Laxton
Locations & Times
Northland Church
522 Dog Track Rd, Longwood, FL 32750, USA
Saturday 5:00 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
Welcome to Northland!
Northland Church exists to glorify God as we participate in His mission of redeeming a people from all peoples by engaging neighbors and nations to be fully alive in King Jesus through the power of the Spirit.
Northland Church exists to glorify God as we participate in His mission of redeeming a people from all peoples by engaging neighbors and nations to be fully alive in King Jesus through the power of the Spirit.
What's Current
Friday, February 23 from 6:30 to 8:30 P.M.
The ultimate, high-octane event for kids and families, Fam Blitz Live is sweeping the nation from coast to coast making a positive impact that kids and parents don’t soon forget. Register your family for this free event at
Saturday, March 9
Sign up for a project today. Serve inside and outside the walls of the church!
Sign up online at
Saturday, March 2 from 9 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Are you ready to become a member of Northland Church? Join us for Made For Mission, a one-day session to learn about what it means to be a member at Northland. Register today at
Friday, February 23 from 6:30 to 8:30 P.M.
The ultimate, high-octane event for kids and families, Fam Blitz Live is sweeping the nation from coast to coast making a positive impact that kids and parents don’t soon forget. Register your family for this free event at
Saturday, March 9
Sign up for a project today. Serve inside and outside the walls of the church!
Sign up online at
Saturday, March 2 from 9 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Are you ready to become a member of Northland Church? Join us for Made For Mission, a one-day session to learn about what it means to be a member at Northland. Register today at
Give Now
Giving fuels the life change we see every day at Northland! is the GOSPEL
Faith in THE GOSPEL saves you from the penalty of sin and welcomes you into the life of the King and His Kingdom.
Why do we need the GOSPEL?
What is the GOSPEL?
Greek word for Gospel—Euangelion
Euangelion = Good News
Euangelion = Good News
Key elements of GOSPEL:
It’s an ANNOUNCEMENT (message)
The announcement is about a VICTORY
That some KING (and army) has won or ascended to the throne
A PEOPLE who receives the announcement
It’s an ANNOUNCEMENT (message)
The announcement is about a VICTORY
That some KING (and army) has won or ascended to the throne
A PEOPLE who receives the announcement
A Biblical Definition of The GOSPEL is…
God has sent the rightful KING of all creation, Jesus Christ, to earth, who, through His substitutionary death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead, is in the process of redeeming and restoring human beings from every nation, tribe, and tongue and the cosmos from the curse of sin.
God has sent the rightful KING of all creation, Jesus Christ, to earth, who, through His substitutionary death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead, is in the process of redeeming and restoring human beings from every nation, tribe, and tongue and the cosmos from the curse of sin.
1. The Gospel is for ALL PEOPLE and thus will form a diverse COMMUNITY.
2. The Gospel might get CONFUSED by some in that community.

3. The Gospel will need to be CLARIFIED in that community so they don’t hinder people from being saved.
By using the SCRIPTURES!
- Proclamation/Revelation/Announcement (Genesis 12/15)
- Promise/Seal/Confirmation (Genesis 17)
- People/Identity
- Proclamation/Revelation/Announcement (Genesis 12/15)
- Promise/Seal/Confirmation (Genesis 17)
- People/Identity
- Proclamation/Revelation/Announcement (Exodus 4/5)
- Promise/Seal/Confirmation
- Passover observance from here on out.
- Pillar of cloud and fire (Spirit’s presence—Exodus 13).
- Crossing the Red Sea (Exodus 14; 1 Corinthians 10:2).
- Circumcision.
- People/Law/Identity
- Giving of the Law (Moral, Ceremonial, and Civil).
- Proclamation/Revelation/Announcement (Exodus 4/5)
- Promise/Seal/Confirmation
- Passover observance from here on out.
- Pillar of cloud and fire (Spirit’s presence—Exodus 13).
- Crossing the Red Sea (Exodus 14; 1 Corinthians 10:2).
- Circumcision.
- People/Law/Identity
- Giving of the Law (Moral, Ceremonial, and Civil).
- Proclamation/Revelation/Announcement
- Jesus is the promised seed of Eve to crush the head of Satan and reverse the curse of sin and bring redemption.
- Jesus is the fulfillment of the promise to Noah, that in Jesus God will renew and restore the earth.
- Jesus is the Gospel that was preached to Abraham—through Abraham God will bless every tribe, nation, and tongue.
- Jesus is the ultimate Moses, proclaiming deliverance and rescue from sin.
- Jesus is the ultimate Passover Lamb who is sacrificed so that God’s judgment would Passover the lives of sinners.
- Jesus is the ultimate David who is the rightful King to build God’s everlasting Kingdom.
- Jesus is the fulfillment of the New Covenant God promised to establish with His people—including Gentiles.
- Proclamation/Revelation/Announcement
- Jesus is the promised seed of Eve to crush the head of Satan and reverse the curse of sin and bring redemption.
- Jesus is the fulfillment of the promise to Noah, that in Jesus God will renew and restore the earth.
- Jesus is the Gospel that was preached to Abraham—through Abraham God will bless every tribe, nation, and tongue.
- Jesus is the ultimate Moses, proclaiming deliverance and rescue from sin.
- Jesus is the ultimate Passover Lamb who is sacrificed so that God’s judgment would Passover the lives of sinners.
- Jesus is the ultimate David who is the rightful King to build God’s everlasting Kingdom.
- Jesus is the fulfillment of the New Covenant God promised to establish with His people—including Gentiles.
- Promise/Seal/Confirmation
- Jesus will circumcise the heart (Ezekiel 36:26; Romans 2:25–29).
- Jesus will send His Spirit to live within His people (Ezekiel 36:26; Ephesians 1:13).
- Baptism (Luke 3:21; Acts 2:41).
- Communion/Lord’s Supper (Matthew 26:17–30; 1 Corinthians 11).
- Promise/Seal/Confirmation
- Jesus will circumcise the heart (Ezekiel 36:26; Romans 2:25–29).
- Jesus will send His Spirit to live within His people (Ezekiel 36:26; Ephesians 1:13).
- Baptism (Luke 3:21; Acts 2:41).
- Communion/Lord’s Supper (Matthew 26:17–30; 1 Corinthians 11).
- People/Jesus’s People and Identity
- Live “In Him” and “for Him.”
- People/Jesus’s People and Identity
- Live “In Him” and “for Him.”
Faith in Jesus does not lead you to become a good and faithful follower of Judaism, but a good and faithful follower of Jesus.
God has sent the rightful KING of all creation, Jesus Christ, to earth, who, through His substitutionary death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead, is in the process of redeeming and restoring human beings from every nation, tribe, and tongue and the cosmos from the curse of sin.
How is one Saved by the GOSPEL?
- Messenger that shares the GOSPEL announcement.
- The hearer, in a particular context, hears the GOSPEL announcement.
- The Spirit divinely works through the delivery and reception and, by grace, gives understanding to the receiver of the GOSPEL.
- The receiver responds to the GOSPEL through FAITH.
- Messenger that shares the GOSPEL announcement.
- The hearer, in a particular context, hears the GOSPEL announcement.
- The Spirit divinely works through the delivery and reception and, by grace, gives understanding to the receiver of the GOSPEL.
- The receiver responds to the GOSPEL through FAITH.