Mission Church of the Nazarene
DISH.COMM Week of Sixth Sunday of Lent (Mar. 24-31)
Discipleship Communities at Mission Church
Locations & Times
Mission Church of the Nazarene
4750 Mission Gorge Pl, San Diego, CA 92120, USA
Sunday 12:00 PM
Note: please save this event in order to save your notes.
Find links to past weeks here
https://missionnaz.org/dishcomm-event-linksExperiencing Jesus Together Through Lent
This week: Listen to and Read Days 34-40 using the YouVersion Bible App Reading Plan (linked above)
Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth. 2 Peter 3:9
Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth. 2 Peter 3:9
Day 34
Focus: A Call to Praise
Read: Romans 12:1-2
Reflection: Are there areas of life you are struggling to surrender to God? Do you need to break the glass ceiling that you have placed on your life and let Him show that there is more?
Focus: A Call to Praise
Read: Romans 12:1-2
Reflection: Are there areas of life you are struggling to surrender to God? Do you need to break the glass ceiling that you have placed on your life and let Him show that there is more?
Day 35
Focus: A Call to Prepare
Read: John 4:23-24
Reflection: Do you have a right heart? If you’re not sure, ask Jesus to be your Savior in this quiet moment Remember, God loves you! As you spend time with Jesus today, thank Him for His Spirit that makes your heart right. Worship Him for His incredible love that saves you.
Focus: A Call to Prepare
Read: John 4:23-24
Reflection: Do you have a right heart? If you’re not sure, ask Jesus to be your Savior in this quiet moment Remember, God loves you! As you spend time with Jesus today, thank Him for His Spirit that makes your heart right. Worship Him for His incredible love that saves you.
Day 36
Focus: A Call to Prepare
Read: Psalm 139:23-24
Reflection: Have you been superficial in your conversations with God? Have you had the courage to ask God to search your heart? What will you do today to open yourself up to the Lord?
Focus: A Call to Prepare
Read: Psalm 139:23-24
Reflection: Have you been superficial in your conversations with God? Have you had the courage to ask God to search your heart? What will you do today to open yourself up to the Lord?
Day 37
Focus: A Call to Prepare
Read: Proverbs 16:1-4
Reflection: As Jesus was drawing closer to the appointed time of the Passover, he knew the purpose the Father had for him. The disciples and other followers had other plans, thoughts of what the future would hold. Jesus knew he could trust the plan because the Father’s purpose was so much greater. What plans have you created? Have you partnered with God? Ask Him today to give you a vision that requires God to step in and establish it, then enjoy the journey and adventure.
Focus: A Call to Prepare
Read: Proverbs 16:1-4
Reflection: As Jesus was drawing closer to the appointed time of the Passover, he knew the purpose the Father had for him. The disciples and other followers had other plans, thoughts of what the future would hold. Jesus knew he could trust the plan because the Father’s purpose was so much greater. What plans have you created? Have you partnered with God? Ask Him today to give you a vision that requires God to step in and establish it, then enjoy the journey and adventure.
Day 38
Focus: A Call to Prepare
Read: John 12:3
Reflection: Have you learned how to sit at the feet of Jesus and receive from him? If the answer is no, ask God to show you what is preventing you from receiving.
Focus: A Call to Prepare
Read: John 12:3
Reflection: Have you learned how to sit at the feet of Jesus and receive from him? If the answer is no, ask God to show you what is preventing you from receiving.
Day 39
Focus: A Call to Prepare
Read: Romans 13:11
Reflection: Jesus was drawing closer to his destination of purpose. He knew the time and season of his journey’s end. There was much to be done, final ideas to be emphasized and models for us. Things like “love,” “service,” and “community.” As we see the signs and understand the season, what preparations do we need to make? Take a moment to ask the Holy Spirit how you can prepare as we await, with anticipation, the arrival of the “bridegroom,” the destination of promise.
Focus: A Call to Prepare
Read: Romans 13:11
Reflection: Jesus was drawing closer to his destination of purpose. He knew the time and season of his journey’s end. There was much to be done, final ideas to be emphasized and models for us. Things like “love,” “service,” and “community.” As we see the signs and understand the season, what preparations do we need to make? Take a moment to ask the Holy Spirit how you can prepare as we await, with anticipation, the arrival of the “bridegroom,” the destination of promise.
Day 40
Focus: A Call to Prepare
Read: Philippians 3:10-11
Reflection: Jesus prepared himself for the Passover, knowing full well what he would have to suffer. In his humanity, Jesus had become a man of deep faith, conviction and character. He accepted the role the Father gave him to suffer and accomplish what no one else could. We cannot match his suffering. But because he did, we can choose to live as he lived with deep faith, conviction, compassion and love.
Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any lies you may be believing that are hindering you from experiencing the full expression of his love; the full benefits of his suffering. Then ask God to replace those lies with His truth. Repenting and forgiving when needed.
Focus: A Call to Prepare
Read: Philippians 3:10-11
Reflection: Jesus prepared himself for the Passover, knowing full well what he would have to suffer. In his humanity, Jesus had become a man of deep faith, conviction and character. He accepted the role the Father gave him to suffer and accomplish what no one else could. We cannot match his suffering. But because he did, we can choose to live as he lived with deep faith, conviction, compassion and love.
Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any lies you may be believing that are hindering you from experiencing the full expression of his love; the full benefits of his suffering. Then ask God to replace those lies with His truth. Repenting and forgiving when needed.