Parkerville Baptist Church

Encounters With Jesus - John 9
This Sunday Anthony will be continuing our February series Encounters with Jesus. All welcome! Anthony says: "Imagine not being able to see. Try closing your eyes and putting your shoes on or making a sandwich; it's hard. It would be so hard to do everyday tasks that we take for granted: eating, taking out the rubbish, getting dressed, having a shower, driving a car, well, maybe not driving a car... Let's take that further. Now, imagine what it would be like to be born blind. Being born blind means you have no understanding or idea of what things may look like. A blind person can feel the sun's warmth but can't see the sunset or sunrise. A blind person can smell the aromas of a garden but can't see the flowers. The words red, yellow, purple and green are meaningless to them. It's impossible to imagine what it would be like to be blind, let alone born blind. This Sunday, we see two kinds of people who are blind. One guy was born blind and has a life-changing encounter with Jesus, and the other, well, he doesn't even know he is blind and misses out. Don't miss it!"
Locations & Times
Parkerville Baptist Church
910 Seaborne St, Parkerville WA 6081, Australia
Sunday 9:30 AM
About Parkerville Baptist Church
Love God, love others, make disciples … that’s the commission Jesus left his followers.
At Parky, it’s our mission to do this by sharing our lives and creating pathways that inspire people to wholeheartedly follow Jesus.
Visit to learn more about our church.


in the things of this world,
bless your eyes
and be in your seeing.
May Christ, who looks upon you
with deepest love,
bless your eyes
and widen your gaze.
May the Spirit, who perceives what is
and what may yet be,
bless your eyes
and sharpen your vision.
May the Sacred Three
bless your eyes
and cause you to see.
~ from In the Sanctuary of Women, copyright © Jan L. Richardson.