Element Christian Church
Ephesians Week 6 - From. To. Through.
Locations & Times
Element Christian Church
4890 Bethany Ln, Santa Maria, CA 93455, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:45 AM
Welcome to Element
We strive to ensure the biggest thing people think when they hear about Element is Jesus! We are a Gospel centered community who finds our identity in Jesus.
Seder Meal
Join us Friday, March 29th, as we observe Good Friday by participating in a traditional Seder meal.
https://ourelement.churchcenter.com/people/forms/690761Easter Service Times
Join us to celebrate our Risen King!
Saturday, March 30th at 6pm (no children's programs)
Sunday, March 31st at 9am & 10:45am
*willing to serve during this normally busy weekend? Email Sarah.McCool@ourelement.org
Saturday, March 30th at 6pm (no children's programs)
Sunday, March 31st at 9am & 10:45am
*willing to serve during this normally busy weekend? Email Sarah.McCool@ourelement.org
4th Friday Film and Fun
Deadline for your 1st-5th grade to participate in this month's 4th Friday Film & Fun is today!
https://ourelement.churchcenter.com/people/forms/657465Upcoming Blood Drive
Give back to the community at our annual blood drive March 2nd. Appointments required.
https://donors.vitalant.org/dwp/portal/dwa/appointment/guest/phl/timeSlotsExtr?token=rkAERS1kdDmY3dkZlRqdYqwwFO%2F7Yi%2FaaxFOWlJSQdg%3DGirl Gab
Girls just need time to gab and process life. This is their chance to unload in a community centered on the Gospel. Let's re-frame life by looking through a Gospel lens, eat yummy food, and gab! Open to Middle+ and High School Students (grades 6-12).
The location will change monthly so be sure to check the monthly Youth email to stay up to date. Not receiving the email already? Contact Christie.Marangi@ourelement.org to be added.
The location will change monthly so be sure to check the monthly Youth email to stay up to date. Not receiving the email already? Contact Christie.Marangi@ourelement.org to be added.
eKids Gospel Quest
Students in 3rd-5th grade are invited on this new Quest through Scripture, prayer, friendship, and food! See link for details.
https://ourelement.churchcenter.com/people/forms/677135Missions Newletter Update NEW
Get the latest on the various local and global ministries Element helps support.
https://www.ourelement.org/downloads/2024/2024_Winter_MissionsUpdate.pdfStart serving at Element
If you are looking for a way to meet more people at Element or feel more connected, one of the easiest ways is to start serving. From once a month for 15 minutes, to helping in our classrooms for a longer time, we have needs to fit your gifts.
https://ourelement.churchcenter.com/people/forms/395779Stay Connected - Download the Church Center App
https://ourelement.churchcenter.com/setupThis week's song list
Interested in looking for some of the songs we sang this week? Here's the titles and original artists:
Sweetness of Freedom - Citizens
Mighty Warrior - Elevation Worship
Before the Throne of God - Charitie Lees Bancroft
Poison Tree - Ghost Ship
Revelation Song - Jesus Culture
Made Alive - Citizens
Sweetness of Freedom - Citizens
Mighty Warrior - Elevation Worship
Before the Throne of God - Charitie Lees Bancroft
Poison Tree - Ghost Ship
Revelation Song - Jesus Culture
Made Alive - Citizens
Ephesians: Week 6
From. To. Through.
While Ephesians 1 sees salvation from God’s point of view, Chapter 2 examines salvation more from a human point of view. Chapter 3 will combine both perspectives so that the following chapters (4-6) are very practical in their theology. The truth is we cannot live practically unless we know what we believe; doctrine is important.
From. To. Through.
While Ephesians 1 sees salvation from God’s point of view, Chapter 2 examines salvation more from a human point of view. Chapter 3 will combine both perspectives so that the following chapters (4-6) are very practical in their theology. The truth is we cannot live practically unless we know what we believe; doctrine is important.
• Why is it important to be clear on what we believe about ourselves, God, and the world around us?
• How do our beliefs translate to our actions?
What are we saved from? Our trespasses and sins. Before Jesus’ rescue, we were dead in our sin.
Read Ephesians 2:1-3.
• Sins of omission – God created us to do certain things and we don’t do them (love Him, serve others, glorify Him).
• Sins of commission – When God says “don’t” and we do it anyway.
Because of sin, humanity is broken. Our hope is not to stop committing sins; our hope is to stop being dead.
• Think about your own story…how were you dead in your sin?
• How have you been made alive in Christ?
What are we saved to? The kind of life God wants us to live is an abundant one in which we recognize all that He has given us. We don’t say, “Look how hard I worked to get this; I deserve more.” We instead say, “God, everything I have is from you. How can you use it?”
Read Ephesians 2:8-10.
The word faith in the Bible does not mean mere intellectual belief—it means trust. It has the connotation of resting, where we become a person who can truly rest because we have a peace from God Himself. We stop boasting when we are resting and seeing everything as a gift. Paul says we can experience a life of faith, rest, and grace in Christ.
• What do you tend to boast in? What gives you confidence, worth, and security?
• What would a life of faith, a life of grace, and a life without boasting look like?
• What keeps you from fully boasting in Jesus and His rescue of you?
What are we saved through? Jesus died for OUR sin—including our sinful condition and our life of slavery to sin. This is why the Gospel is good news.
Read Ephesians 2:4-7.
If you were on a battlefield and won a victory, there was an amount of glory attached to it. When you came back home from the battle, to the capital city, you would be given the greatest place of honor possible…the right hand of the throne. When the original hearers of Paul’s words saw that Jesus, because of all He accomplished, was raised from the dead and seated at the right hand of God the Father, they would have recognized the significance. Paul goes on to say He also, “raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.” Note the past tense: we are seated. It has already happened…while we’re not physically seated there, it means we are legally seated there.
• What does it mean to be seated with Christ?
• How does the reality of this seating and standing before God transform your life?
John Stott wrote, “For the essence of sin is man substituting himself for God, while the essence of salvation is God substituting himself for man.” In sin, we put ourselves where only God deserves to be. In salvation, God puts Himself where we deserve to be.
• How does Jesus save us from our self-centeredness?
• As you reflect on Jesus’ salvation and raising you from death to life, how do you feel led to respond in prayer?
• How do our beliefs translate to our actions?
What are we saved from? Our trespasses and sins. Before Jesus’ rescue, we were dead in our sin.
Read Ephesians 2:1-3.
• Sins of omission – God created us to do certain things and we don’t do them (love Him, serve others, glorify Him).
• Sins of commission – When God says “don’t” and we do it anyway.
Because of sin, humanity is broken. Our hope is not to stop committing sins; our hope is to stop being dead.
• Think about your own story…how were you dead in your sin?
• How have you been made alive in Christ?
What are we saved to? The kind of life God wants us to live is an abundant one in which we recognize all that He has given us. We don’t say, “Look how hard I worked to get this; I deserve more.” We instead say, “God, everything I have is from you. How can you use it?”
Read Ephesians 2:8-10.
The word faith in the Bible does not mean mere intellectual belief—it means trust. It has the connotation of resting, where we become a person who can truly rest because we have a peace from God Himself. We stop boasting when we are resting and seeing everything as a gift. Paul says we can experience a life of faith, rest, and grace in Christ.
• What do you tend to boast in? What gives you confidence, worth, and security?
• What would a life of faith, a life of grace, and a life without boasting look like?
• What keeps you from fully boasting in Jesus and His rescue of you?
What are we saved through? Jesus died for OUR sin—including our sinful condition and our life of slavery to sin. This is why the Gospel is good news.
Read Ephesians 2:4-7.
If you were on a battlefield and won a victory, there was an amount of glory attached to it. When you came back home from the battle, to the capital city, you would be given the greatest place of honor possible…the right hand of the throne. When the original hearers of Paul’s words saw that Jesus, because of all He accomplished, was raised from the dead and seated at the right hand of God the Father, they would have recognized the significance. Paul goes on to say He also, “raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.” Note the past tense: we are seated. It has already happened…while we’re not physically seated there, it means we are legally seated there.
• What does it mean to be seated with Christ?
• How does the reality of this seating and standing before God transform your life?
John Stott wrote, “For the essence of sin is man substituting himself for God, while the essence of salvation is God substituting himself for man.” In sin, we put ourselves where only God deserves to be. In salvation, God puts Himself where we deserve to be.
• How does Jesus save us from our self-centeredness?
• As you reflect on Jesus’ salvation and raising you from death to life, how do you feel led to respond in prayer?