The Bridge Church

Rhythms - Serving
January 28, 2024
Locations & Times
Englewood SKY Academy
871 S River Rd, Englewood, FL 34223, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
How to Serve like Jesus:
1. Realize the motivation for service is love
1. Realize the motivation for service is love
2. Be willing to be inconvenienced
3. Be willing to receive as well as to give
4. When you serve others, God changes lives and the first life He changes is yours
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time.
I need to be baptized.
I need to attend Starting Point.
I need to join a serve team.
I need to join a small group.
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time.
I need to be baptized.
I need to attend Starting Point.
I need to join a serve team.
I need to join a small group.
Dig Deeper:
1. During this Rhythms sermon series, have any of your rhythms changed? If so, how? What rhythm changes are you still praying for?
2. Do you know someone who is a great leader? What makes them so? What attributes would you say make a great leader?
3. Read Matthew 20:26-28. Does this describe the person you mentioned in question two? Why or why not?
4. As we grow in spiritual maturity, we live selflessly for His glory. How is growing in spiritual maturity linked to leading well?
5. Describe and discuss the different stages of spiritual growth – Infant, Child, Young Adult, Parent. What are the differences? What are the similarities? Why is it important to look at these as different stages in spiritual growth verses one being a “better Christian” than the other?
6. Why is it important not to compare our spiritual growth with others? In the same way, how can we be encouraged by others in their spiritual growth journey?
7. Read John 13:1 and 1 Corinthians 13:3. Describe how Jesus was motivated by unconditional love in the way he served his disciples.
8. Is it possible to serve, and lead, others well without being relational? Explain your answer.
9. Read John 13:2-7. Knowing all that the disciples had witnessed prior to this event, and understanding who Jesus was, do you think this would be shocking to them? Why or why not? What is Jesus showing them in this moment?
10. Do you like being interrupted or inconvenienced? Describe a time when an interruption or inconvenience brought you great joy. How does Jesus model for us what a response to being interrupted looks like.
11. Read John 13:8-9. Why must we be served to understand how to serve?
12. Is it possible to lead others well without understanding where you are leading them, and why? Explain your answer.
13. Read John 13:12-17. What is the significance in that Jesus reminds his disciples that He is their “Lord and Teacher”?
14. Discuss this statement: It is impossible to serve God and not serve others.
15. Read 1 Peter 4:10. How is serving a form of worship; of giving back to God and thanking Him?
16. How does serving others change us? How can we seek to “out-serve” one another?
Live It Out:
Jesus wasn’t just a servant leader. He was a leading servant. As you look at Jesus’s model of serving and leading others, remember that:
1. When you serve like Jesus, the motivation for service is love. While serving others, consider your motivation. Make sure your service to others is first and foremost fueled by your love for Jesus, and for others.
2. When you serve like Jesus, be willing to be inconvenienced. This week, be willing to be interrupted for the sake of serving someone else. Renew your mind when you are inconvenienced this week, knowing it is an opportunity to serve someone else.
3. When you serve like Jesus, be willing to receive as well as to give. Do you have difficulty in receiving someone else’s blessing? Do you always like to be the one serving instead? This week, consider why, and then be willing to be served by others.
4. When you serve like Jesus, God changes lives…and the first life He changes is yours. How can you out-serve others in your life this week? Pray about where God is calling you to serve, and then say “yes”!
5. God desires us to grow into the full maturity of Jesus Christ. As a follower of Jesus Christ, we are all growing in our faith.The goal is never to stay an infant, but to continue to grow into a child, young adult, and finally an adult. Consider where you are in your spiritual growth process. Without feeling any condemnation, or comparison to others, be willing to take that next step in your life to model Jesus to those around you. Spend time with God, asking Him to lead you as you grow.
1. During this Rhythms sermon series, have any of your rhythms changed? If so, how? What rhythm changes are you still praying for?
2. Do you know someone who is a great leader? What makes them so? What attributes would you say make a great leader?
3. Read Matthew 20:26-28. Does this describe the person you mentioned in question two? Why or why not?
4. As we grow in spiritual maturity, we live selflessly for His glory. How is growing in spiritual maturity linked to leading well?
5. Describe and discuss the different stages of spiritual growth – Infant, Child, Young Adult, Parent. What are the differences? What are the similarities? Why is it important to look at these as different stages in spiritual growth verses one being a “better Christian” than the other?
6. Why is it important not to compare our spiritual growth with others? In the same way, how can we be encouraged by others in their spiritual growth journey?
7. Read John 13:1 and 1 Corinthians 13:3. Describe how Jesus was motivated by unconditional love in the way he served his disciples.
8. Is it possible to serve, and lead, others well without being relational? Explain your answer.
9. Read John 13:2-7. Knowing all that the disciples had witnessed prior to this event, and understanding who Jesus was, do you think this would be shocking to them? Why or why not? What is Jesus showing them in this moment?
10. Do you like being interrupted or inconvenienced? Describe a time when an interruption or inconvenience brought you great joy. How does Jesus model for us what a response to being interrupted looks like.
11. Read John 13:8-9. Why must we be served to understand how to serve?
12. Is it possible to lead others well without understanding where you are leading them, and why? Explain your answer.
13. Read John 13:12-17. What is the significance in that Jesus reminds his disciples that He is their “Lord and Teacher”?
14. Discuss this statement: It is impossible to serve God and not serve others.
15. Read 1 Peter 4:10. How is serving a form of worship; of giving back to God and thanking Him?
16. How does serving others change us? How can we seek to “out-serve” one another?
Live It Out:
Jesus wasn’t just a servant leader. He was a leading servant. As you look at Jesus’s model of serving and leading others, remember that:
1. When you serve like Jesus, the motivation for service is love. While serving others, consider your motivation. Make sure your service to others is first and foremost fueled by your love for Jesus, and for others.
2. When you serve like Jesus, be willing to be inconvenienced. This week, be willing to be interrupted for the sake of serving someone else. Renew your mind when you are inconvenienced this week, knowing it is an opportunity to serve someone else.
3. When you serve like Jesus, be willing to receive as well as to give. Do you have difficulty in receiving someone else’s blessing? Do you always like to be the one serving instead? This week, consider why, and then be willing to be served by others.
4. When you serve like Jesus, God changes lives…and the first life He changes is yours. How can you out-serve others in your life this week? Pray about where God is calling you to serve, and then say “yes”!
5. God desires us to grow into the full maturity of Jesus Christ. As a follower of Jesus Christ, we are all growing in our faith.The goal is never to stay an infant, but to continue to grow into a child, young adult, and finally an adult. Consider where you are in your spiritual growth process. Without feeling any condemnation, or comparison to others, be willing to take that next step in your life to model Jesus to those around you. Spend time with God, asking Him to lead you as you grow.
Reading Plan:
Monday: Matthew 20:1-16
Tuesday: Matthew 20:17-34
Wednesday: 1 Peter 2:1-17
Thursday: John 13:1-20
Friday: John 13:21-38
Saturday: 1 Peter 4
Monday: Matthew 20:1-16
Tuesday: Matthew 20:17-34
Wednesday: 1 Peter 2:1-17
Thursday: John 13:1-20
Friday: John 13:21-38
Saturday: 1 Peter 4
Additional Resources:
Redeeming Your Time: 7 Biblical Principles for Being Purposeful, Present, and Wildly Productive, by Jordan Raynor
Habits for Our Holiness, by Philip Nation
The Money Challenge, by Art Rainer
Foundations: 12 Biblical Truths to Shape a Family, by Ruth Chou Simons, Troy Simons
Habits of the Household: Practicing the Story of God in Everyday Family Rhythms, by Justin Whitmel Earley, Justin Earley
The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, by John Mark Comer
Real-Life Discipleship: Building Churches That Make Disciples, by Jim Putman
Redeeming Your Time: 7 Biblical Principles for Being Purposeful, Present, and Wildly Productive, by Jordan Raynor
Habits for Our Holiness, by Philip Nation
The Money Challenge, by Art Rainer
Foundations: 12 Biblical Truths to Shape a Family, by Ruth Chou Simons, Troy Simons
Habits of the Household: Practicing the Story of God in Everyday Family Rhythms, by Justin Whitmel Earley, Justin Earley
The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, by John Mark Comer
Real-Life Discipleship: Building Churches That Make Disciples, by Jim Putman