The Bridge Church

Rhythms - Sabbath
January 21, 2024
Locations & Times
Englewood SKY Academy
871 S River Rd, Englewood, FL 34223, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
Sabbath (Shabbot) – “to cease, to stop, pause, rest”
1. Sabbath is God's rhythm to restore our soul
A Sabbath should include: worship, rest, and relationship.
Sabbath – “A different day from all the rest where you stop from your regular work so that you can rest, delight, and worship God for the purpose of cultivating a restful spirit in all of life.”
2. Sabbath is a gift, not a burden
3. Jesus is our ultimate Sabbath Rest
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time.
I need to be baptized.
I need to attend Starting Point.
I need to join a serve team.
I need to join a small group.
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time.
I need to be baptized.
I need to attend Starting Point.
I need to join a serve team.
I need to join a small group.
Dig Deeper:
1. Does the idea of practicing sabbath come with preconceived ideas? What are they? Where did those come from?
2. When was the last time you had a true sabbath? Describe that experience and what it provided you. What makes a sabbath day nourishing and enjoyable to you?
3. Sabbath, or Shabbot, means to cease, stop, pause, rest. Discuss what it looks like to cease, stop, pause, or rest.
4. Read Genesis 2:1-3. Why did God design a rhythm of sabbath from the beginning? Did God need to rest from His work?
5. God works and rests. What are the implications of that for people made in His image?
6. God declared the seventh day holy. Describe why it’s holy. Describe how it’s holy.
7. Read Exodus 20:8-11. Describe how sabbath is a gift from God in the form of a command. What does a command from God provide for us? Why does God call His people to take a sabbath?
8. What’s the difference between a day off and a sabbath? How can you make the distinction in your own practice?
9. Read Exodus 34:21. God calls us to rest even during busy seasons. Is it easier or harder to find rest during busy seasons? Why?
10. Read Psalm 127:2. What is the significance that God created a rhythm of sabbath even before sin entered the world? Why did God create a sabbath even before work was considered a burden?
11. Sabbath includes worship, rest, and relationships. Describe each one in detail and provide examples of each.
12. Read Mark 2:23-28. What does sabbath look like when viewed as a gift from God? What does it look like when viewed as a religious burden? What is the difference?
13. How does taking a day of rest demonstrate our dependence on God?
14. Read Matthew 11:28-30. How is the ultimate, spiritual rest found in a relationship with Jesus Christ?
15. What is a yoke, and how is it a symbol of partnership? What does it provide?
16. What is your current sabbath rhythm? What would you like to add or take away to enhance this rhythm?
17. What would you need to do to create a rhythm of sabbath in your week?
18. What is your plan for practicing sabbath this week? Be specific as possible.
Live It Out:
Consider the rhythm of sabbath as a weekly holiday. It will take planning and creativity but can become highly anticipatory. This week, as you consider what types of activities bring your soul rest and rejuvenation, remember that:
1. Sabbath is God’s rhythm to restore our soul. It’s a gift from God in the form of a command. What type of activities bring your soul rest and rejuvenation? Practice these restful activities for your rhythm of sabbath. Incorporate worship, rest, and relationships in your sabbath rhythm.
2. Sabbath is a gift, not a burden. It’s not a legalistic ritual. When you take a day to rest, you are demonstrating dependence on God. Let go of things that stress you out. Don’t create a to-do list; create a sabbath box. This is where you can place the things you don’t need to take with you into your sabbath day. This could include cell phones, credit cards, other gadgets, work projects or homework.
3. Jesus is our ultimate Sabbath rest. Creating a rhythm of sabbath is about celebrating who God is, how He made you, and growing in intimacy with Him. God instituted the sabbath so that we would rest and reflect on who He is and what He is doing. Sabbath rhythms provide a space to delight in the goodness and beauty of God while also recalibrating our bodies and mind to align with Him. As we rest in this reality, we demonstrate a lavish trust not only in the sovereignty of our Creator but in His ability to manage and care for us.
1. Does the idea of practicing sabbath come with preconceived ideas? What are they? Where did those come from?
2. When was the last time you had a true sabbath? Describe that experience and what it provided you. What makes a sabbath day nourishing and enjoyable to you?
3. Sabbath, or Shabbot, means to cease, stop, pause, rest. Discuss what it looks like to cease, stop, pause, or rest.
4. Read Genesis 2:1-3. Why did God design a rhythm of sabbath from the beginning? Did God need to rest from His work?
5. God works and rests. What are the implications of that for people made in His image?
6. God declared the seventh day holy. Describe why it’s holy. Describe how it’s holy.
7. Read Exodus 20:8-11. Describe how sabbath is a gift from God in the form of a command. What does a command from God provide for us? Why does God call His people to take a sabbath?
8. What’s the difference between a day off and a sabbath? How can you make the distinction in your own practice?
9. Read Exodus 34:21. God calls us to rest even during busy seasons. Is it easier or harder to find rest during busy seasons? Why?
10. Read Psalm 127:2. What is the significance that God created a rhythm of sabbath even before sin entered the world? Why did God create a sabbath even before work was considered a burden?
11. Sabbath includes worship, rest, and relationships. Describe each one in detail and provide examples of each.
12. Read Mark 2:23-28. What does sabbath look like when viewed as a gift from God? What does it look like when viewed as a religious burden? What is the difference?
13. How does taking a day of rest demonstrate our dependence on God?
14. Read Matthew 11:28-30. How is the ultimate, spiritual rest found in a relationship with Jesus Christ?
15. What is a yoke, and how is it a symbol of partnership? What does it provide?
16. What is your current sabbath rhythm? What would you like to add or take away to enhance this rhythm?
17. What would you need to do to create a rhythm of sabbath in your week?
18. What is your plan for practicing sabbath this week? Be specific as possible.
Live It Out:
Consider the rhythm of sabbath as a weekly holiday. It will take planning and creativity but can become highly anticipatory. This week, as you consider what types of activities bring your soul rest and rejuvenation, remember that:
1. Sabbath is God’s rhythm to restore our soul. It’s a gift from God in the form of a command. What type of activities bring your soul rest and rejuvenation? Practice these restful activities for your rhythm of sabbath. Incorporate worship, rest, and relationships in your sabbath rhythm.
2. Sabbath is a gift, not a burden. It’s not a legalistic ritual. When you take a day to rest, you are demonstrating dependence on God. Let go of things that stress you out. Don’t create a to-do list; create a sabbath box. This is where you can place the things you don’t need to take with you into your sabbath day. This could include cell phones, credit cards, other gadgets, work projects or homework.
3. Jesus is our ultimate Sabbath rest. Creating a rhythm of sabbath is about celebrating who God is, how He made you, and growing in intimacy with Him. God instituted the sabbath so that we would rest and reflect on who He is and what He is doing. Sabbath rhythms provide a space to delight in the goodness and beauty of God while also recalibrating our bodies and mind to align with Him. As we rest in this reality, we demonstrate a lavish trust not only in the sovereignty of our Creator but in His ability to manage and care for us.
Reading Plan:
Monday: Genesis 1:26-2:3
Tuesday: Exodus 20:1-17
Wednesday: Mark 2:23-28
Thursday: Matthew 11:25-30
Friday: Hebrews 4:1-13
Saturday: Psalm 23
Monday: Genesis 1:26-2:3
Tuesday: Exodus 20:1-17
Wednesday: Mark 2:23-28
Thursday: Matthew 11:25-30
Friday: Hebrews 4:1-13
Saturday: Psalm 23
Additional Resources:
Redeeming Your Time: 7 Biblical Principles for Being Purposeful, Present, and Wildly Productive, by Jordan Raynor
Habits for Our Holiness, by Philip Nation
The Money Challenge, by Art Rainer
Foundations: 12 Biblical Truths to Shape a Family, by Ruth Chou Simons, Troy Simons
Habits of the Household: Practicing the Story of God in Everyday Family Rhythms, by Justin Whitmel Earley, Justin Earley
The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, by John Mark Comer
Redeeming Your Time: 7 Biblical Principles for Being Purposeful, Present, and Wildly Productive, by Jordan Raynor
Habits for Our Holiness, by Philip Nation
The Money Challenge, by Art Rainer
Foundations: 12 Biblical Truths to Shape a Family, by Ruth Chou Simons, Troy Simons
Habits of the Household: Practicing the Story of God in Everyday Family Rhythms, by Justin Whitmel Earley, Justin Earley
The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, by John Mark Comer