Element Church
Christmas Eve
Sunday Morning Worship
Locations & Times
Murphy Creek P-8
1400 S Old Tom Morris Rd, Aurora, CO 80018, USA
Sunday 5:30 PM
Prayer Request
Let us know how we can pray for you! We have a passionate team who would be honored to lift up your needs in prayer.
https://yourelement.churchcenter.com/people/forms/42675Connection Card
Thank you for joining us for worship this morning! If you would like to get connected with a small group, learn more about membership, or simply learn more about the church, please fill out this card. We will give you a pair of sunglasses and donate $10 to the Colorado Family Life Center in your honor if you fill it out!
https://yourelement.churchcenter.com/people/forms/37319Giving Link
Thank you for those who regularly give to Element Church! If you would like to begin giving to Element, please use the link below.