Crosslake Christian

The Reason for the Season
Worship Service on 12/17/23 with Pastor Gary Espeseth.
Locations & Times
Crosslake Christian
13919 Co Rd 36, Crosslake, MN 56442, USA
Sunday 10:45 AM
Info and Upcoming Events
Kid's Christmas Program is Sunday, December 17. Lunch will be served following service. Bring a few white elephant gifts to exchange.
Bible Study - Join us for Wednesday Bible Study @ 6:30 PM. Join Zoom meeting at
Men's Breakfast - Each Saturday at 9 AM, meet together with other men to build community and deepen your relationship with God. Meets at Pine Peaks in Crosslake.
Christmas Eve Service - Sunday, 12/24 at 10:45 AM
Overcoming Life's Struggles - a depression and anxiety support group that meets the last Thursday of each month at 6:30 PM. This month’s meeting is November 30.
Week of Prayer - The Annual Week of Prayer is January 7-13. Learn more about it and sign up for a time slot at
More Info @
Bible Study - Join us for Wednesday Bible Study @ 6:30 PM. Join Zoom meeting at
Men's Breakfast - Each Saturday at 9 AM, meet together with other men to build community and deepen your relationship with God. Meets at Pine Peaks in Crosslake.
Christmas Eve Service - Sunday, 12/24 at 10:45 AM
Overcoming Life's Struggles - a depression and anxiety support group that meets the last Thursday of each month at 6:30 PM. This month’s meeting is November 30.
Week of Prayer - The Annual Week of Prayer is January 7-13. Learn more about it and sign up for a time slot at
More Info @
Give Online
Here at Crosslake Christian, we believe that we are stewards of God’s resources because He is the owner of all we have. Throughout scripture, we are reminded of the importance of giving back a portion of what God has so generously provided. We teach and practice the Biblical principle of tithing. Tithe means a tenth. When we tithe, we give 10 % of our income to God. God not only calls us to give as an act of obedience but to give generously. Once you are faithfully tithing, we would like you to consider giving above and beyond. Reason for the Season
Pastor Gary Espeseth
Pastor Gary Espeseth

Point 1: The Reason He Came

Point 2: The Manner in Which He Came

Point 3: When He Returns