Community Church of Portage Lakes
Ruth and Boaz. (The Book of Ruth) Women Of Redemption -- Week 4
Locations & Times
Community Church of Portage Lakes
3260 Cormany Road, Akron, OH 44319, USA
Sunday 9:15 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
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Jesus’ genealogy illustrates the ___________________________________ of his life and message
You can never be good enough ___________________________________________________ ….
…you can never be bad enough to ___________________________________________________
I. __________________________ on God or ________________________________ ourselves
The temptation of times ____________________________________________________________
II. Dreading God’s ____________________________ or pursing God’s ____________________
How we ________________________ God will define how we ________________________ to him
III. Seeing God’s _______________________ when we’re blinded by ______________________
a. Seeing God’s _______________________ through ______________________________
b. Missing God’s _________________________ by fixating on _______________________
c. Seeing God’s __________________________ in the ____________________________
IV. Realizing God’s __________________________ through _____________________________
V. Finding God’s ____________________ through asking for God’s _______________________