Hillside Missionary Church

12/10/23 Worship Gathering
Whether you’re a guest or a long-time attendee we’re glad you’re here with us. We’re a friendly and caring group of Christians who are here to help people be CONNECTED with Jesus, CHANGED by Jesus, and COMMITTED to the mission of Jesus. If you're new with us today, thank for joining us! We truly believe that you’re not here by accident and that God has some amazing plans for your life.
Locations & Times
21567 Ireland Rd, South Bend, IN 46614, USA
Friday 10:45 AM
Guest Information Card
If you’d like some information about who we are and how to get plugged in here at Hillside, please fill out the “I’m New” page on our website
https://hmcworship.com/im-new/Week 2 - Matthew 1:18-25 - Why is the virgin birth so important?
Have you ever started reading the Bible and see a detail that seemed strange to be included? This week we’re taking a look at Matthew’s account of Jesus' birth, specifically the virgin birth, and talking about why it’s important, and how it affects our lives today.
Message Outline
Why is the virgin birth so important?
1. It shows us that Jesus is from God
Matt. 1:18, John 1:1, 14, 3:16, Is. 7:14
2. It shows us that Jesus is God
Matt. 1:18, John 1:1, 10:30, 5:18
3. It shows us that Jesus wasn’t "Plan-B"
Matt. 1:23-23, Is. 7:14, Heb. 13:8
So what do we do with this information?
1. We humbly submit to God
Matt. 1:19, James 4:7, Rom. 8:7, 1 Pet. 5:5, Luke 22:42
2. We soften our hearts towards God
Matt. 1:20-21, Ez. 11:19, 36:26, Jer. 24:7, 1 Cor. 2:14
3. We are faithful to do what God tell us to do
Matt. 1:24-25, Luke 16:10, Heb. 10:23, 1 Cor. 4:2, Ps. 31:23
4. We remember that God is with us
Matt. 1:23, John 1:1-27, Josh. 1:9, Matt. 28:19-20, Ps. 23:1-6
Have you ever started reading the Bible and see a detail that seemed strange to be included? This week we’re taking a look at Matthew’s account of Jesus' birth, specifically the virgin birth, and talking about why it’s important, and how it affects our lives today.
Message Outline
Why is the virgin birth so important?
1. It shows us that Jesus is from God
Matt. 1:18, John 1:1, 14, 3:16, Is. 7:14
2. It shows us that Jesus is God
Matt. 1:18, John 1:1, 10:30, 5:18
3. It shows us that Jesus wasn’t "Plan-B"
Matt. 1:23-23, Is. 7:14, Heb. 13:8
So what do we do with this information?
1. We humbly submit to God
Matt. 1:19, James 4:7, Rom. 8:7, 1 Pet. 5:5, Luke 22:42
2. We soften our hearts towards God
Matt. 1:20-21, Ez. 11:19, 36:26, Jer. 24:7, 1 Cor. 2:14
3. We are faithful to do what God tell us to do
Matt. 1:24-25, Luke 16:10, Heb. 10:23, 1 Cor. 4:2, Ps. 31:23
4. We remember that God is with us
Matt. 1:23, John 1:1-27, Josh. 1:9, Matt. 28:19-20, Ps. 23:1-6
Reflecting on God's Word
Getting Started
- Have you ever wondered why God chose to have Jesus born of a virgin? Have you ever come across Jesus’ virgin birth before in Scripture? What were your thoughts about it? Did you think about it or just move on?
- Have you ever heard the virgin birth talked about at church before?
- What was your understanding of it before this message?
Diving In
Read Matthew 1:18-25, paying attention specifically to the details surrounding Jesus’ birth.. By taking a look at this passage, we learn about who Jesus is, that He is from God, He is God, and that He wasn’t “plan-B.” Does that change your understanding about who Jesus is? Why or why not?
- By remembering who Jesus is, it changes the way we live our lives. How would remembering what this passage of Scripture tells us about who Jesus is change the way you live your life? What would it change about the way you think, talk, interact with others, spend your time and money, ect.?
-How can you remember what this passage of Scripture teaches us about who Jesus is?
Read Matthew 1:18-25, paying attention specifically to the way that Joseph acts. Does anything stand out to you? Does anything that Joseph does surprise you?
- Read verse 19 again. If you were Joseph in that situation, would you have acted the same way?
- Joseph certainly wouldn’t have thought that Mary would have gotten pregnant before they were officially married. That must have been devastating. Do some reflecting on Joseph’s character. What kind of man was he that he “resolved to divorce her quickly?”
- Have you ever been in a situation like Joseph, where something significant didn’t go the way that you had planned it would? How did you react? How do you think you could have acted in a way that was more honoring to the Lord?
Read verse 20 again. An angel of the Lord told Joseph what was going on in a dream. If this happened to you, would you have listened? How open are you to the Holy Spirit’s leading in your life?
- Keeping in mind your answers from the question above, how can you soften your heart towards the Lord, and be more open to the Holy Spirit’s guidance?
- Read 1 John 4:1. What would it look like for you to be more open to the Holy Spirit’s guidance, while still doing what 1 John 4:1 tells us to do?
Read verses :24-25. Joseph could have just ignored what he heard the angel say, and continue with his plan to divorce from Mary. But he didn’t. Joseph was faithful. He did what God led him to do. If you were in Joseph’s situation, and your mind was already made up, would you have been faithful like Joseph was?
- Have you ever been in a situation where your mind was completely made up, and you felt like God wanted you to do something different? What did you do? What would it look like for you to continually be more and more faithful to what God wants you to do?
Read verse 23. After a long period of not hearing from God, how do you think Jesus being called Immanuel would have come across?
-In your everyday life, does it feel like God is with you?
- Read John 1:1-27, Joshua 1:9, Matthew 28:19-20, and Psalm 23:1-6. It doesn’t always feel like it, but God is always with us, and will never abandon us.
-How could you remember that better?How does remembering that God is always with you and will never abandon you change your outlook on life?
Applying the Scripture
What are your biggest takeaways from this passage of God’s Word? What practical step(s) do you need to implement in your life to apply what God has taught you in this passage of Scripture?
How would applying this affect your life and your relationship with the Lord?
Who can you ask to keep you accountable to applying this to your life?
- Have you ever wondered why God chose to have Jesus born of a virgin? Have you ever come across Jesus’ virgin birth before in Scripture? What were your thoughts about it? Did you think about it or just move on?
- Have you ever heard the virgin birth talked about at church before?
- What was your understanding of it before this message?
Diving In
Read Matthew 1:18-25, paying attention specifically to the details surrounding Jesus’ birth.. By taking a look at this passage, we learn about who Jesus is, that He is from God, He is God, and that He wasn’t “plan-B.” Does that change your understanding about who Jesus is? Why or why not?
- By remembering who Jesus is, it changes the way we live our lives. How would remembering what this passage of Scripture tells us about who Jesus is change the way you live your life? What would it change about the way you think, talk, interact with others, spend your time and money, ect.?
-How can you remember what this passage of Scripture teaches us about who Jesus is?
Read Matthew 1:18-25, paying attention specifically to the way that Joseph acts. Does anything stand out to you? Does anything that Joseph does surprise you?
- Read verse 19 again. If you were Joseph in that situation, would you have acted the same way?
- Joseph certainly wouldn’t have thought that Mary would have gotten pregnant before they were officially married. That must have been devastating. Do some reflecting on Joseph’s character. What kind of man was he that he “resolved to divorce her quickly?”
- Have you ever been in a situation like Joseph, where something significant didn’t go the way that you had planned it would? How did you react? How do you think you could have acted in a way that was more honoring to the Lord?
Read verse 20 again. An angel of the Lord told Joseph what was going on in a dream. If this happened to you, would you have listened? How open are you to the Holy Spirit’s leading in your life?
- Keeping in mind your answers from the question above, how can you soften your heart towards the Lord, and be more open to the Holy Spirit’s guidance?
- Read 1 John 4:1. What would it look like for you to be more open to the Holy Spirit’s guidance, while still doing what 1 John 4:1 tells us to do?
Read verses :24-25. Joseph could have just ignored what he heard the angel say, and continue with his plan to divorce from Mary. But he didn’t. Joseph was faithful. He did what God led him to do. If you were in Joseph’s situation, and your mind was already made up, would you have been faithful like Joseph was?
- Have you ever been in a situation where your mind was completely made up, and you felt like God wanted you to do something different? What did you do? What would it look like for you to continually be more and more faithful to what God wants you to do?
Read verse 23. After a long period of not hearing from God, how do you think Jesus being called Immanuel would have come across?
-In your everyday life, does it feel like God is with you?
- Read John 1:1-27, Joshua 1:9, Matthew 28:19-20, and Psalm 23:1-6. It doesn’t always feel like it, but God is always with us, and will never abandon us.
-How could you remember that better?How does remembering that God is always with you and will never abandon you change your outlook on life?
Applying the Scripture
What are your biggest takeaways from this passage of God’s Word? What practical step(s) do you need to implement in your life to apply what God has taught you in this passage of Scripture?
How would applying this affect your life and your relationship with the Lord?
Who can you ask to keep you accountable to applying this to your life?
Things to Pray For
CHURCH FAMILY NEEDS: Pray for Katy, as she recovers from her wrist surgery. Pray for Carolyn Dodd and what’s going with her thyroid. Pray for Jerry Jamrozy, who has bone cancer. Pray for the Walter family, as Bill recently had surgery for skin cancer.
MISSIONARIES: This month pray for the Bellas.
FAMILY OF THE WEEK:Each week we’ll pray for a different family in our church. This week pray for the Jamrozys.
HILLSIDE HAPPENINGS: Pray that the church would continue to stay unified under Christ. Pray for our livestream and for the people joining us there. Pray for Casa Del Alfarero, the Spanish-speaking Missionary Church 5 minutes from our building.
CURRENT HAPPENINGS: Pray for the war in Israel. Pray for the wildfires and destruction in Hawaii.Pray for the war in Ukraine.
MISSIONARIES: This month pray for the Bellas.
FAMILY OF THE WEEK:Each week we’ll pray for a different family in our church. This week pray for the Jamrozys.
HILLSIDE HAPPENINGS: Pray that the church would continue to stay unified under Christ. Pray for our livestream and for the people joining us there. Pray for Casa Del Alfarero, the Spanish-speaking Missionary Church 5 minutes from our building.
CURRENT HAPPENINGS: Pray for the war in Israel. Pray for the wildfires and destruction in Hawaii.Pray for the war in Ukraine.
In-person on 12/3: 54
Online views through 12/7: 11
Online (11/27/23-12/3/23): $265
In-Person on 11/26/23: $270 for general
Total general needed weekly to meet budget: $1480
Prayer Guide for Israel
Pray for the families who have lost loved ones
Pray for a swift end to the conflict, and for stable peace
Pray for wisdom for the leaders of Israel
Pray for wisdom for world leaders
Pray for those being held hostage
Pray for the Christian leaders and churches in Israel
Pray for the salvation of the lost
Pray for a swift end to the conflict, and for stable peace
Pray for wisdom for the leaders of Israel
Pray for wisdom for world leaders
Pray for those being held hostage
Pray for the Christian leaders and churches in Israel
Pray for the salvation of the lost
Pajama Drive
Our foster closet is holding a pajama drive to bless their foster families with new, warm winter pajamas, sizes 3T to adult. Contact our foster closet team-leader, April with any questions.
Hillside's Story
Thank you to all who shared in this year’s volume of Hillside’s Story. If you would like to share in next year’s video, please see Pastor Josh. To watch this year’s volume of Hillside’s Story, you can go to our website, YouTube, or Facebook.
Christmas Services
We are having our annual Christmas Candlelight Service on Saturday, Dec. 23rd at 7pm. We encourage you to invite friends and loved ones to this special Christmas service. On Sunday, Dec. 24th, we will be having service at our normal time, 10:45am.
Email List
If you do not receive our weekly emails, announcements, and prayer requests, please join our email list! You can do so by going to hmcworship.com/im-new
Opportunities to Help
TECH: Our worship team is looking for someone who would like to run sound and/or slides. Please see Pastor Josh.
WORSHIP TEAM: Would you like to help out on the worship team? Please see Carolyn Dodd for details.
PRAYER GUIDE: Will you be in prayer for Hillside? Prayer guides are available at the welcome counter. Also, if you would like to be a prayer advocate, please see Pastor Josh.
MAINTENANCE TEAM: Would you like to help out on the maintenance team? We need help inside and outside the building. Please see Jeff Soule for details.
WORSHIP TEAM: Would you like to help out on the worship team? Please see Carolyn Dodd for details.
PRAYER GUIDE: Will you be in prayer for Hillside? Prayer guides are available at the welcome counter. Also, if you would like to be a prayer advocate, please see Pastor Josh.
MAINTENANCE TEAM: Would you like to help out on the maintenance team? We need help inside and outside the building. Please see Jeff Soule for details.
Pray for the Ukraine
Our denomination, the Missionary Church, has set a prayer guide to pray for the Ukraine.
https://www.mcusa.org/pray-for-ukraine/Ukraine Relief Project
Our denomination, the Missionary Church, has set a relief project fund for the Ukraine. The funds for this project will be used to provide crisis relief for those caught up in the turmoil in and near Ukraine.