First UMC

Downtown Worship, December 10, 2023
Signs of Arrival: II. Prophets and Angels
Locations & Times
First United Methodist Church of Lexington - Downtown
200 W High St, Lexington, KY 40507, USA
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
Mark’s gospel, in the first verse, states that the beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the son of God. The rest of Mark’s gospel are signs pointing towards the truth, contained in the first verse.
The very first sign we see is this man named John.
1) Cousin of Jesus
2) Nazirite / Essene
3) Prophet in the power of Elijah
4) Ministry of proclamation saying "Repent, for the kingdom of God is near."
5) Baptizing after confession
Messengers / Prophets / Angels always come before the Messiah because God does not want us to be surprised, have excuses, or miss out.
Messengers / Prophets / Angels re-orient us through repentance and invite us to confession.
Jim Rohn states that while may need reach our destination overnight, we can change our direction overnight.
David Whyte observes that “confession is a stripping away of protection, the telling of a truth that might seem humiliating, becomes suddenly a gateway, an entrance to solid ground, even a first step home. To confess is to declare oneself ready for a more courageous road” and admit that the road we currently travel is at best irrelevant and at worst destructive. It is to enter into an axis of vulnerability through visibility.
The best way to spend Advent is preparing our hearts through acts of breaking our routine to focus on God (repentance) and acts of courage in breaking free from our baggage so we can receive the gifts of the Messiah (forgiveness, salvation, abundant life.)
The very first sign we see is this man named John.
1) Cousin of Jesus
2) Nazirite / Essene
3) Prophet in the power of Elijah
4) Ministry of proclamation saying "Repent, for the kingdom of God is near."
5) Baptizing after confession
Messengers / Prophets / Angels always come before the Messiah because God does not want us to be surprised, have excuses, or miss out.
Messengers / Prophets / Angels re-orient us through repentance and invite us to confession.
Jim Rohn states that while may need reach our destination overnight, we can change our direction overnight.
David Whyte observes that “confession is a stripping away of protection, the telling of a truth that might seem humiliating, becomes suddenly a gateway, an entrance to solid ground, even a first step home. To confess is to declare oneself ready for a more courageous road” and admit that the road we currently travel is at best irrelevant and at worst destructive. It is to enter into an axis of vulnerability through visibility.
The best way to spend Advent is preparing our hearts through acts of breaking our routine to focus on God (repentance) and acts of courage in breaking free from our baggage so we can receive the gifts of the Messiah (forgiveness, salvation, abundant life.)
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