Elements City Church

Against the Grain - week 3: The Myth of Us vs Them
Do you ever feel like it’s becoming increasingly difficult to follow Jesus in our current culture? That’s because it is. Over the past ten years, three untruths have been embraced by Western society that have defined an emerging generation. If we are to follow Jesus well, we will increasingly find ourselves going against the grain of culture — rejecting these untruths along the way. In this series we look at the timeless truth of Scripture to see how these myths not only prevent us from maturing as disciples of Jesus, but go against God’s design for His people.
Locations & Times
Elements City Church
1825 N Alvernon Way, Tucson, AZ 85712, USA
Sunday 5:00 PM
Welcome to church!
Whether you're on-site or online, we are praying that tonight will be an encouragement to you! If you're new and want to get connected, we'd love to hep you do so! Click the link below to fill out our Connection Card.
https://connect-card.com/yr4Y0g8VLBSqzKXeubjbThis three-week series, Against the Grain, is based on The Coddling of the American Mind by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt.
Tribalism and Its Impact
Common-Humanity Identity Politics:
seeking change by appealing to aspects of humanity that unite people
Common-Enemy Identity Politics:
seeking change by uniting people against a common enemy
seeking change by appealing to aspects of humanity that unite people
Common-Enemy Identity Politics:
seeking change by uniting people against a common enemy
"If only it were so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being.”
Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Give people the benefit of the doubt
by practicing The Principle of Charity.
The Principle of Charity:
one should interpret other people’s statements in their best, most reasonable form — not in the worst or most offensive way possible
by practicing The Principle of Charity.
The Principle of Charity:
one should interpret other people’s statements in their best, most reasonable form — not in the worst or most offensive way possible
Practice intellectual humility.
We are gifted a new identity when we belong to Jesus.
We are gifted a better identity when we belong to Jesus.
Fight the same enemies Jesus fought.
Our enemies:
Satan and his forces
Our enemies:
Satan and his forces
The victory over sin has already occurred — when you confess Jesus as Lord.
We continue to fight our sin nature, but the cost of sin has already been paid.
We continue to fight our sin nature, but the cost of sin has already been paid.
The victory over Satan and his forces is already assured.
This means you are freed to see that you are fully loved —
which frees you to fully love others.
which frees you to fully love others.
We'd love to pray for you!
If you have a prayer request you'd like our church to pray for, click the link below to share it with us.
https://share.fluro.io/form/6329f633da0feb00250cbd5fThank you for your financial partnership!
Thank you for your tithes and offerings! They enable us to be the church in our city, and they help fuel the mission of Elements City Church. Our capacity to function as a church on a daily basis is directly impacted by your support, and we are so thankful for it! You can give online at the link below, or through the Elements app.
http://elementscitychurch.org/giveThanks for joining us as we wrap up our three-week series, Against the Grain.
Next week we begin our new Christmas series! Join us as we kick off the Christmas season at Elements.
December 17th is our annual Cookies and Cocoa afterparty following service.
And make plans to join us for Christmas Eve on Sunday, December 24th. We'll partner with the team at Emmanuel Baptist Church for two family services, at 4pm and 6pm.
Have a great week!
Next week we begin our new Christmas series! Join us as we kick off the Christmas season at Elements.
December 17th is our annual Cookies and Cocoa afterparty following service.
And make plans to join us for Christmas Eve on Sunday, December 24th. We'll partner with the team at Emmanuel Baptist Church for two family services, at 4pm and 6pm.
Have a great week!
We are gifted a new identity when we belong to Jesus.