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The Bridge Church

Revelation - God's Final Invitation

Revelation - God's Final Invitation

December 3, 2023

Locations & Times

Englewood SKY Academy

871 S River Rd, Englewood, FL 34223, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:30 AM

1. Obey God's Word faithfully
2. Worship God wholeheartedly
3. Live daily for what matters eternally
4. Share God's invitation lovingly

I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time.

I need to be baptized.

I need to attend Starting Point.

I need to join a serve team.

I need to join a small group.
Dig Deeper:
1. Have you ever received an invitation in the mail? What was it for? How did it make you feel? How did you respond?
2. Every heart is longing for peace with God. How is this obvious in our culture, regardless of whether that person has a relationship with Jesus?
3. Read Revelation 22:6-7. How is God’s definition of “soon” different from ours?
4. Read Revelation 1:3. How are those who read aloud, hears, and keeps what is written in the Book of Revelation blessed?
5. Read Revelation 22:18-19. Why is the reader warned here? How is God’s Word completely trustworthy and should never be edited, deleted, or changed by mankind?
6. Read Revelation 22:8-9. Define worship. What factors are involved in worshiping God?
7. Read Revelation 22:10-11. How are these verses shocking?
8. Read Revelation 22:12. When you serve others, you ultimately serve God. How can this change your view of serving?
9. Read Revelation 22:13-14 and Revelation 7:14. What is the only way to wash a robe? When we do, what takes place?
10. Read Revelation 22:16-17. Who is the bride? Why is it important that the Spirit is with the bride? Why is it important that this invitation is open to everyone?
11. Read Revelation 22:20-21. How many times does the Lord say “I am coming soon” in chapter 22? Why do you think that is?
12. What encouragement do you find in Revelation 22:6-21? How about warnings or convictions?
13. What eternal truths or principles do I find in these verses?
14. What is the Holy Spirit trying to teach me through these verses? What changes do I need to make in my life to act on what I am learning?
15. What was your most significant takeaway from this week’s sermon, scripture reading, or discussion with your small group?
16. The big idea of Revelation is…Jesus wins! During this sermon series, what has made that truth most obvious to you?

Live It Out:

If you knew that Jesus was returning in a few days or weeks, how differently would you live? Since Jesus is coming again, let’s live today by:

1. Obeying God’s Word faithfully. J.I. Packer said, “The Bible is God preaching”. He gives us His Word to grow as a follower of Christ, and we need His love, grace, and truth in a world of lies. Spend time with God by the reading and obeying of His Word daily.
2. Worshiping God wholeheartedly. Every human being is a worshipper. Idolatry is when good things become ultimate things. Worship the Creator, not the creation, knowing that we have a place in heaven with Him.
3. Living daily for what matters eternally. What ultimately matters most? Where does your success lie? Is what you are living for today going to matter in eternity? Be faithful to serving God and His Kingdom.
4. Sharing God’s invitation lovingly. Read Luke 14:21b-23. If this is how Jesus wants Heaven to be, then it should be the same for us. Who is in your life that you can loving share God’s invitation to? Make space in your life for that to happen.
Reading Plan:
Monday: Revelation 22:6-7, 18-19
Tuesday: Revelation 22:8-11
Wednesday: Revelation 22:12-15
Thursday: Revelation 22:16-17, 20-21
Friday: Luke 14:21b-23
Saturday: Philippians 3:12-20
Additional Resources:
· Exalting Jesus in Revelation (Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary), by Dr. Daniel L. Akin
· Revelation (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament), by Grant R. Osbourne
· Revelation: The Spirit Speaks to the Churches, by James M Hamilton
· Revelation: Four Views, A Parallel Commentary, by Steve Gregg