The Four Gospels
The central theme of the Bible is Jesus; He is the focal point. The books of the Bible that focus on the Jesus are known as the Gospels. The word gospel is derived from two words: good and story literally, it means the good news and is used to signify the message of forgiveness and reconciliation of Jesus. The four New Testament reporters who wrote the story of this good news are Matthew, a converted tax collector; Mark, a missionary; Luke, a physician; and John, a fisherman.
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2111 Trenton Rd, Clarksville, TN 37040, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
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Giving Back to God
The Big Idea: The unknown God has made Himself known through His Son Jesus.
Copies of Ancient Documents
When you put all four Gospel accounts of Jesus’ life together, they give us only 52 days of His 33-year life.
MATTHEW was a Jew who wrote to Jews presenting Jesus Christ as the King of the Jews.
MARK was a Roman who wrote to Romans presenting Jesus Christ as the Servant.
LUKE was a Greek who wrote to Greeks presenting Jesus Christ as the Savior.
JOHN was a Christian who wrote to the world so they could believe that Jesus is God.