Canyon Ridge Christian Church
Locations & Times
Canyon Ridge Christian Church
6200 W Lone Mountain Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89130, USA
Saturday 4:00 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 11:30 AM
How To Find Joy:
- Stay Faithful With God.
- Stay Together
- Stay Faithful With God.
- Stay Together
Joy is a shared experience.
Glad to be together:
With others - joy
With God - more joy
With both - MOST joy
With others - joy
With God - more joy
With both - MOST joy
The Joy of Positive Gossip
Gossip: "A person who habitual reveals personal or sensational facts about others" often creating hurt or division.
Positive Gossip: Speaking well of the character of people you know to build connection.
This week: I will _____ to create better connections for people to stay together and stay faithful with God?
Become a Partner!
Imagine if everyone who calls Canyon Ridge “home” would join together by adding Canyon Ridge to their Christmas lists. When we partner together in giving, God gets His way, and lives are changed. Whatever amount you feel called to give will go precisely where it is needed most: to equip people to take their next steps toward Jesus and help the people in their lives do the same. Thanks for partnering together and anticipating all the good God has in mind for 2024! At Canyon Ridge!
This Christmas Eve, bring the whole family and invite a friend to celebrate the birth of Jesus together at Canyon Ridge! This is the perfect time to join in on what God is up to here in Las Vegas. With six service times to attend in person or watch online, there are many great opportunities for you to be part of it! A Team!
Serving others with others is one of the best ways to find your people and help make a big church like Canyon Ridge feel like home. Whether it's greeting people on campus or hosting in the online chat room, volunteering is the best way to meet people and become a partner in what God is up to in Las Vegas and around the world!