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Neighborhood Church

Neighborhood Church Visalia

Neighborhood Church Visalia

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Neighborhood Church

5505 W Riggin Ave, Visalia, CA 93291, USA

Sunday 8:00 AM

From St. Therese of Lisieux's The Story of a Soul

You know it has ever been my desire to become a Saint, but I have always felt, in comparing myself with the Saints, that I am as far removed from them as the grain of sand, which the passer-by tramples underfoot, is remote from the mountain whose summit is lost in the clouds. ...

For me, to become great is impossible. I must bear with myself and my many imperfections. ...

Neither capable nor called to great feats of public witness. ...

My mortifications consisted in breaking my will, always so ready to impose itself on others, in holding back a reply, in rendering little services without any recognition, in not leaning my back against a support when seated… It was through the practice of these nothings that I prepared myself to become the fiancée of Jesus.
Our littleness makes us aware that, for the most part, we cannot do the big things that shape world history. But we can change the world more humbly by sowing a hidden seed, by being a hidden antibiotic of health inside the soul of humanity, and by splitting the atom of love inside our own selves.
Ronald Rohlheiser
Integrity is the courageous decision to do what is right and true because it is right and true regardless of the cost.

Obedience is reorienting your life around the teachings of Jesus.

The 3 Keys to the Road Less Stoopid
• Integrity
• Obedience
• Humility.
Humility is the noble choice to forgo your status, deploy your resources, or use your influence for the good of others before yourself…the humble person is marked by a willingness to hold power in service of others.
John Dickson

Humility means making God your all without making yourself nothing. It means becoming a full self without becoming full of yourself.
Dan Kent

Humility—the place of total dependence on God—is our primary duty and highest good. That’s just how the universe is put together!
Andrew Murray
What would a humble person do?
Humility is not a thing we bring to God. It is also not a thing God gives to us. It is simply the realization of what nothings we really are when we truly see how God is Everything and when we clear out room in our hearts so that He can be everything for us.
Andrew Murray
Humility is an invitation to God.
You make me think of a little child who is learning to stand but does not yet know how to walk. In his desire to reach the top of the stairs to find his mother, he lifts his little foot to climb the first step. It is all in vain, and at each renewed effort, he falls. Well, be like that little child. Always keep lifting your foot to climb the ladder of holiness, and do not imagine that you can mount even the first step.

All God asks of you is goodwill. From the top of the ladder, He looks lovingly upon you, and soon, touched by your fruitless efforts, He will Himself come down and, taking you in His Arms, will carry you to His Kingdom, never again to leave Him. But should you cease to raise your foot, you will be left for long on the earth.
St. Therese of Lisieux