Grace Community Church

Sunday Morning Worship 11.12.23
November 12, 2023
Locations & Times
Grace Community Church
625 S Division St, Boone, IA 50036, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM

Today's Sermon:
Foxhole Christianity
Pastor Tim Trudeau
Foxhole Christianity
Pastor Tim Trudeau
I. Paul’s Appeal to the Corinthians:
Kent Hughes quote
“At present a small unrepentant minority of such detractors and interlopers
opposed Paul in Corinth. Guided by their inverted values, they judged
Paul’s ministry to be fleshly. His unimpressive persona, his lack of rhetorical
skills, his meek and humble demeanor, his poverty, his working with his
hands, the absence of ecstatic experiences and visions, his incessant trials
and difficulties (rather than “success”) were, to his opponents,
incontrovertible evidence that his ministry was of the flesh and not of the
-Kent Hughes, II Corinthians
opposed Paul in Corinth. Guided by their inverted values, they judged
Paul’s ministry to be fleshly. His unimpressive persona, his lack of rhetorical
skills, his meek and humble demeanor, his poverty, his working with his
hands, the absence of ecstatic experiences and visions, his incessant trials
and difficulties (rather than “success”) were, to his opponents,
incontrovertible evidence that his ministry was of the flesh and not of the
-Kent Hughes, II Corinthians
II. Understanding Paul’s Appeal
A. Necessity of the Appeal:
B. The Ground of the Appeal:
Chuck Colson quote
“The lure of power can separate the most resolute of Christians from the
true nature of Christian leadership, which is service to others. It is difficult
to stand on a pedestal and wash the feet of those below…Nothing
distinguishes the kingdoms of man from the kingdom of God more than
their diametrically opposed view of the exercise of power. One seeks to
control people, the other to serve people; one promotes self, the other
prostrates self; one seeks prestige and position, the other lifts up the lowly
and despised.”
-Chuck Colson, Kingdoms in Conflict
true nature of Christian leadership, which is service to others. It is difficult
to stand on a pedestal and wash the feet of those below…Nothing
distinguishes the kingdoms of man from the kingdom of God more than
their diametrically opposed view of the exercise of power. One seeks to
control people, the other to serve people; one promotes self, the other
prostrates self; one seeks prestige and position, the other lifts up the lowly
and despised.”
-Chuck Colson, Kingdoms in Conflict
D.A. Carson quote
“Argue a skeptic into a corner, and you will not take his mind captive for
Christ, but pray for him, proclaim the gospel to him, live out the gospel of
peace, walk righteously by faith until he senses your ultimate allegiance
and citizenship are vastly different from his own, and you may discover
that the power of truth, the convicting and regenerating work of the Holy
Spirit, and the glories of Christ Jesus shatter his reasons and demolish his
arguments until you take captive his mind and heart to make them
obedient to Christ. The result will be a life transformed.”
-D.A. Carson, A Model of Christian Maturity
Christ, but pray for him, proclaim the gospel to him, live out the gospel of
peace, walk righteously by faith until he senses your ultimate allegiance
and citizenship are vastly different from his own, and you may discover
that the power of truth, the convicting and regenerating work of the Holy
Spirit, and the glories of Christ Jesus shatter his reasons and demolish his
arguments until you take captive his mind and heart to make them
obedient to Christ. The result will be a life transformed.”
-D.A. Carson, A Model of Christian Maturity
III. Applying Paul’s Appeal

Prayer Request Link
It is our desire at Grace Community Church to be a House of Prayer. We invite you to call 515-433-6133 or email, the church office, to make your prayer needs and requests known. Please indicate "for pastors only", "for prayer team", or "for the congregation" along with your request. You can also fill out the following form on Breeze and your prayer request will be passed along to what you prefer. Thank you for allowing us to intercede before the Lord on your behalf. "Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving." Colossians 4:22