North Main Street Church of God

A Promise Fulfilled
1201 North Main Street Ext. Butler, PA 16001 12/24/2023
Locations & Times
North Main Street Church of God
1201 N Main St Ext, Butler, PA 16001, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
Sunday Morning
Join us on Sunday Mornings online where you can Check-in/Connect, Give, and Watch along with us. are so glad that you joined us today at North Main Street Church of God. At North Main, we exist to develop completely committed followers of Christ who...
Know Christ intimately,
Grow in Christ continually, and
Go for Christ daily
Know Christ intimately,
Grow in Christ continually, and
Go for Christ daily
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If you are a newcomer, we’re so glad you’ve joined us! If you’re here in person, make sure to stop by the Welcome Center where we have a gift bag for you with some information about us and some delicious homemade chocolate chip COOKIES.
For those online please visit the website below and make sure to click the COMMUNICATION CARD button and fill that out so we can send you a free gift! those online please visit the website below and make sure to click the COMMUNICATION CARD button and fill that out so we can send you a free gift!
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Did you know North Main has a church mobile app? Access videos anytime from your device and never miss a sermon. Securely and easily give your tithes, offerings, and donations. Instantly register for upcoming events, and stay in the know of what's happening. Contact Us at any time with a simple message. Find others in the North Main directory. To download go to: Reading Plan
Join us in 2024 as we read through the Bible in a year and highlight evidence of “GOODNESS” throughout our daily Scripture readings. Reading Guides and PURPLE highlighters, the color that represents KINDNESS, are available at the Welcome Center. You can also access the resources digitally on NORTHMAINCOG.ORG/BIBLE
For more information about events at North Main such as our upcoming softball games, women’s hikes, classes, and groups, please make sure to stop by the Welcome Center or visit our website at
We will be celebrating communion together this morning during worship. The ushers will distribute the elements at that time, but for those who need a gluten-free or sealed option, those are available at the Welcome Center right outside of the doors you came in today.
We will be celebrating communion together this morning during worship. The ushers will distribute the elements at that time, but for those who need a gluten-free or sealed option, those are available at the Welcome Center right outside of the doors you came in today.
We thank you for your faithful gifts. You can give online and, of course, on Sundays by using the secure drop boxes located outside the doors of the Sanctuary. THANK YOU FOR YOUR FAITHFULNESS.
A Promise Fulfilled
(Luke 2:1-20)
Yearly Theme: “Kindness is… Atonement”
Series Title: “The Kindest Gesture the World Has Ever Known”
December 24th, 2023 (Christmas Eve)
(Luke 2:1-20)
Yearly Theme: “Kindness is… Atonement”
Series Title: “The Kindest Gesture the World Has Ever Known”
December 24th, 2023 (Christmas Eve)
Something to think about:
“There are approximately 8,810 promises in the entire Bible. In the Old Testament, there are 7,706, and in the New Testament, there are 1,104 wonderful promises. Deuteronomy 28 has 133 promises, more than any other chapter in the Bible. According to Vance Havner, ‘We’re sitting on the premises when we ought to be standing on the promises!’”[1]
Jesus’ birth fulfilled a promise in the making since the beginning of time. Not only the Jews, but all peoples at all times throughout human history had awaited this one moment in time, whether they realized it or not. From the moment of the Fall in Genesis 3 to that one fateful night in the small town of Bethlehem in Judea some 2000 years ago, the world waited in great anticipation for a Savior. And how GOD orchestrated this moment in time is wonderful and significant.
Let’s take a closer look:
[1]Encyclopedia of Illustrations, #4612.
“There are approximately 8,810 promises in the entire Bible. In the Old Testament, there are 7,706, and in the New Testament, there are 1,104 wonderful promises. Deuteronomy 28 has 133 promises, more than any other chapter in the Bible. According to Vance Havner, ‘We’re sitting on the premises when we ought to be standing on the promises!’”[1]
Jesus’ birth fulfilled a promise in the making since the beginning of time. Not only the Jews, but all peoples at all times throughout human history had awaited this one moment in time, whether they realized it or not. From the moment of the Fall in Genesis 3 to that one fateful night in the small town of Bethlehem in Judea some 2000 years ago, the world waited in great anticipation for a Savior. And how GOD orchestrated this moment in time is wonderful and significant.
Let’s take a closer look:
[1]Encyclopedia of Illustrations, #4612.
Key Point: “GOD sent Jesus to fulfill the promise He had made so very long ago.”
How do we know that Jesus’ birth is the fulfillment of a promise from GOD? Let’s take a look…
How do we know that Jesus’ birth is the fulfillment of a promise from GOD? Let’s take a look…
· Eve’s ______________.
Genesis 3:15 (NLT). 15 And I will cause hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He will strike your head, and you will strike his heel.”
Genesis 3:15 (NLT). 15 And I will cause hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He will strike your head, and you will strike his heel.”
· Abraham’s ______________.
Genesis 12:1-3 (NLT), 1 The Lord had said to Abram, “Leave your native country, your relatives, and your father’s family, and go to the land that I will show you. 2 I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others. 3 I will bless those who bless you and curse those who treat you with contempt. All the families on earth will be blessed through you.”
Genesis 12:1-3 (NLT), 1 The Lord had said to Abram, “Leave your native country, your relatives, and your father’s family, and go to the land that I will show you. 2 I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others. 3 I will bless those who bless you and curse those who treat you with contempt. All the families on earth will be blessed through you.”
· GOD’s ______________.
Luke 2:11-12 (NLT), 11 The Savior—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David! 12 And you will recognize him by this sign: You will find a baby wrapped snugly in strips of cloth, lying in a manger.”
Luke 2:11-12 (NLT), 11 The Savior—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David! 12 And you will recognize him by this sign: You will find a baby wrapped snugly in strips of cloth, lying in a manger.”
Something to take home:
When promises are made they are meant to be kept, but not all promises are kept by all people, at all times, and in all circumstances. However, GOD’s promises never fail. At just the right time in human history, GOD sent His one and only Son into the world as a baby born to the Virgin Mary in the small town of Bethlehem in Judea. What seemed like a strange way to fulfill a promise became the most perfect way of all. No matter how many times humans failed Him, GOD still came through. No matter how unfaithful we are, GOD remains faithful and true and extends the promise of salvation through Jesus to us today for those who would receive it.
As a commitment to that promise, as our ushers come forward, would you be willing to partake of the body and the blood of Christ in communion, and thus pledge your life to Him today?
Key Point: “GOD sent Jesus to fulfill the promise He had made so very long ago.”
When promises are made they are meant to be kept, but not all promises are kept by all people, at all times, and in all circumstances. However, GOD’s promises never fail. At just the right time in human history, GOD sent His one and only Son into the world as a baby born to the Virgin Mary in the small town of Bethlehem in Judea. What seemed like a strange way to fulfill a promise became the most perfect way of all. No matter how many times humans failed Him, GOD still came through. No matter how unfaithful we are, GOD remains faithful and true and extends the promise of salvation through Jesus to us today for those who would receive it.
As a commitment to that promise, as our ushers come forward, would you be willing to partake of the body and the blood of Christ in communion, and thus pledge your life to Him today?
Key Point: “GOD sent Jesus to fulfill the promise He had made so very long ago.”

What’s symbolic about God announcing Jesus’ birth to some of the lowliest members of society?
As Jews, the shepherds probably knew a little something about the coming Messiah. What might they have thought about the mixed messages of “Savior” and “in a feeding trough”?
What do we learn about God’s love for us through the shepherds’ encounter with the angels?
If God appeared to you as the angel did to the shepherds, what would you be “greatly afraid” about? Is this a good fear or a bad fear? If it is a bad fear, is there something you can do about it?
Why does God meet us where we are, but bring us to our knees?
In what ways did Jesus’s first visitors point to who Jesus was and what he would do for all mankind?
What kind of peace does Jesus bring to earth? How does this differ from worldly views of peace?
What did the shepherds do after they found the baby in the manger and what example does this set for those who find Jesus today?
As Jews, the shepherds probably knew a little something about the coming Messiah. What might they have thought about the mixed messages of “Savior” and “in a feeding trough”?
What do we learn about God’s love for us through the shepherds’ encounter with the angels?
If God appeared to you as the angel did to the shepherds, what would you be “greatly afraid” about? Is this a good fear or a bad fear? If it is a bad fear, is there something you can do about it?
Why does God meet us where we are, but bring us to our knees?
In what ways did Jesus’s first visitors point to who Jesus was and what he would do for all mankind?
What kind of peace does Jesus bring to earth? How does this differ from worldly views of peace?
What did the shepherds do after they found the baby in the manger and what example does this set for those who find Jesus today?

Past Sermons
To view past sermons, please visit our website below. Us
If you would like to update your information or have a prayer request, please fill out the link below. Main Street Church of God
1201 North Main Street Ext.Butler, PA 16001
(724) 285-4214
We thank you for your faithful gifts. You can give online at NORTHMAINCOG.ORG/GIVE, text "give" to (724) 313-2211, and, of course, on Sundays by using the secure drop boxes located outside the doors of the Sanctuary. THANK YOU FOR YOUR FAITHFULNESS. HOURS
Monday - Thursday
9:00am - 4:00pm
the office will be closed from 12/25-1/1
Monday - Thursday
9:00am - 4:00pm
the office will be closed from 12/25-1/1