Crossview Church

Gospel Love
Dan DeRoche | Romans 12:9-21
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Crossview Church
1000 E Riverview Expy, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494, USA
Sunday 8:45 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
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“Any love that is afraid to confront the beloved is not really love, but a selfish desire to be loved or liked.” - Tim Keller
This gospel love is demonstrated (vv. 10-13)
1. Gospel love is deeply devoted (v. 10)
2. Gospel love puts others above ourselves (v. 10)
3. Gospel love is very patient (vv. 11-12)
4. Gospel love combines feeling with action (v. 13)
Gospel love is marked with humility and a trust in God (vv. 14-21)
We are called to try and enter their inner world and begin to understand what they are feeling, living, and experiencing.
“heap burning coals on his head” is a way of saying…
live in a way that creates a desire for repentance inside them
live in a way that creates a desire for repentance inside them
Practically this means three things:
1. Discern what kind of hostile person this is
2. If this is a reasonable person, do not avoid them
3. Always express loving words and actions
1. Discern what kind of hostile person this is
2. If this is a reasonable person, do not avoid them
3. Always express loving words and actions
How can we do this? Living like that is impossible.
To be transformed is a process where we take off the old and put on the new.
“The only right rational response to Jesus Christ giving us all of himself is to give all of ourselves to Him.” - Tim Keller
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