New Life Church

The Book of Ruth - Pastor Tim
Part 6: Finding God in the Ordinary
Locations & Times
New Life Assembly of God
15 Swart Ln, Saugerties, NY 12477, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
The life of the godly is not a straight line to glory,...But all along this hazardous, twisted road that doesn't let you see very far ahead there are frequent signs that say, "The best is yet to come." The book of Ruth is one of those signs for you to read. - Pastor John Piper, Desiring God
To experience God’s best, we must turn to Him!
- Read Ephesians 3:20. How are you needing God to move in your life right now? What would it look like for Him to do “immeasurably more” than what you’re hoping for?
- As you consider Ruth’s story, do you think she knew she was living in the providence of God as it was happening, or do you think it was something she saw as she looked back on her life? What would it look like to see the providence of God in your life today?
- Share about a time in your life when you thought you had a specific plan, but you experienced God’s plan instead. How was His plan better than what you could have expected?
- Read Ephesians 3:20. How are you needing God to move in your life right now? What would it look like for Him to do “immeasurably more” than what you’re hoping for?
- As you consider Ruth’s story, do you think she knew she was living in the providence of God as it was happening, or do you think it was something she saw as she looked back on her life? What would it look like to see the providence of God in your life today?
- Share about a time in your life when you thought you had a specific plan, but you experienced God’s plan instead. How was His plan better than what you could have expected?
Upcoming and Weekly Events
Sunday Service @ 10 AM. Nursery for children up to age 4 on weeks 2,3 & 4; KidZone for ages 5-11. Girl’s Ministry for grades K-6 will resume September 27 @ 5:30 PM!
- CandyPalooza! In KidZone on 10/29!!!
Girl’s Ministry will resume on Wednesday, September 27th @ 5:30 PM!
Finish Line Youth for ages 12-12th grade Wednesdays @ 7 PM!
- Bake Sale Fundraiser 10/22 after Sunday service!
Women’s Bible Study - Abide: A Study of 1,2, & 3 John, Thursdays from 6:30-8 PM. Registration is now closed.
- Pizza with Pastor - following the Sunday Service 10/22 - 11/12 for those who pre-registered.
- Family Movie Matinee November 4 @ 4 PM! See Sharee for more info.
- Angel Tree is a ministry to children of incarcerated parents. 11/26 - Take an “angel;” 12/10 - return wrapped gift; 12/17 - Deliver gifts. See Shirley Lane if you are interested in participating.
- Christmas Play December 17. Interested in participating? Please register at or email for more info.
- CandyPalooza! In KidZone on 10/29!!!
Girl’s Ministry will resume on Wednesday, September 27th @ 5:30 PM!
Finish Line Youth for ages 12-12th grade Wednesdays @ 7 PM!
- Bake Sale Fundraiser 10/22 after Sunday service!
Women’s Bible Study - Abide: A Study of 1,2, & 3 John, Thursdays from 6:30-8 PM. Registration is now closed.
- Pizza with Pastor - following the Sunday Service 10/22 - 11/12 for those who pre-registered.
- Family Movie Matinee November 4 @ 4 PM! See Sharee for more info.
- Angel Tree is a ministry to children of incarcerated parents. 11/26 - Take an “angel;” 12/10 - return wrapped gift; 12/17 - Deliver gifts. See Shirley Lane if you are interested in participating.
- Christmas Play December 17. Interested in participating? Please register at or email for more info.
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