Crossview Church

Living Sacrifices
Chris Putney | Romans 12:1-8
Locations & Times
Crossview Church
1000 E Riverview Expy, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494, USA
Sunday 8:45 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
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Offer your bodies as a living sacrifice
Important details about this sacrifice:
1. It’s a LIVING sacrifice
1. It’s a LIVING sacrifice
“The Christian life is to be a daily giving over of our lives and our bodies in obedience to God, motivated by the view of God’s mercy that we have as we stand at the foot of the cross and see His Son dying there for us.” - Tim Keller
2. Holy and pleasing
3. True and proper worship
4. This sacrifice, and God's will, are not of this world
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Showing Mercy
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